Working on creating a skill rolling script for my GM so he can check for and call skill checks from players that they shouldn't know about (like Spot checks). The character sheet we use implements a fieldset to manage an expanding list of skills. I was hoping to get an array of attributes and itterate through that to find the target skill, but the findObjs function doesn't seem to be working properly. Any help would be appreciated. I've checked the value for token.represents, and it does match up with the intended character. var skillName = getTagValue("skill_name", txt); var modifier = getTagValue("modifier", txt); var token_id = getTagValue("token_id", txt); var token = getObj("graphic", token_id); var attrs = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", _characterid: token.represents, }); log(attrs); var objName = ""; var objNum = ""; var skillRate = 0; problem: log(attrs); returns [], log(attrs[0]); returns undefined