I'm finding that I have to very frequently log back in. The game looks like it's running, but when I go to pull up a character or use the compendium, I get a message that says that my session has timed out. Most often it happens when I'm multi-tasking, but also happens as a player. Less as GM, but it's still been happening. I open Roll20 with and I can expect to log back in 3-4 times just on Session Timeouts. I am required to log back in to Roll20 through the login server, then navigate to the game, then launch the game, not just refresh the browser. The time between logins has been a short as 15 minutes. Frustratingly, the timing doesn't seem to be consistent. The timeouts happen with Chrome, Waterfox, Firefox, and Edge, each browser tried several times over. Is there a set time of inactivity that I'm coming up on or is this a very unusual/unexpected experience?