I've released an updated version of EncounterHelper (1.1.0) that is now live on OneClick. This update brings a couple of new features (Thanks Nick Olivo and his video commentors for the suggestions) You can now create encounters from any map layer (except the GM Layer), meaning you can have walls, lights, and map objects handled by EncounterHelper in addition to tokens and drawing objects from the objects layer You can now add additional objects to an encounter after the encounter has been created with the !eh add <encountername> command, which will add any selected objects to the named encounter (or create it if it does not exist). This is required if you want objects from different layers in the same encounter. Each object will remember where it came from Some tweaks and bug fixes New color theme to replace the orange glare GitHub (Development Versions): <a href="https://github.com/kjaegers/ScriptCards/blob/main/X_OtherScripts/EncounterHelper.js" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/kjaegers/ScriptCards/blob/main/X_OtherScripts/EncounterHelper.js</a> Original thread: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/8988154/script-encounterhelper/?pagenum=1" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/8988154/script-encounterhelper/?pagenum=1</a>