I am starting a Pathfinder campaign that takes place in the Linnorm Kingdoms. I need 4 to 5 players. I want to game twice a week from 2pm to 6pm Monday and 2pm to 6pm Thursday. The Linnorm Kingdoms is a viking based setting, but it is still a civilized country in its own respects. Basically, it is like the Skyrim setting. Therefore, this will be a campaign based on loosely good morals and the PCs will be expected to be some form of Good or Neutral alignment. This portion of the world of Golarion is very isolated so the only races that inhabit this region are Humans, Half-Orcs, Gnomes, and Dwarfs. If you are going to be available at these times consistently and are interested then please comment. Our first game will be July 2nd.
Spots available: 0
Marcus Dermont (Half-Orc Cleric)
Break Man Z (Human Magus)
Gob Gob (Dwarf Sorcerer)
Joseph Shields (Human Bard)
Zachary Oren (Human Ranger)
Tony Johansen (Human Paladin)
Spots available: 0
Marcus Dermont (Half-Orc Cleric)
Break Man Z (Human Magus)
Gob Gob (Dwarf Sorcerer)
Joseph Shields (Human Bard)
Zachary Oren (Human Ranger)
Tony Johansen (Human Paladin)