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Pathfinder Campaign (Linnorm Kingdoms) Looking for 2 more players

I am starting a Pathfinder campaign that takes place in the Linnorm Kingdoms. I need 4 to 5 players. I want to game twice a week from 2pm to 6pm Monday and 2pm to 6pm Thursday. The Linnorm Kingdoms is a viking based setting, but it is still a civilized country in its own respects. Basically, it is like the Skyrim setting. Therefore, this will be a campaign based on loosely good morals and the PCs will be expected to be some form of Good or Neutral alignment. This portion of the world of Golarion is very isolated so the only races that inhabit this region are Humans, Half-Orcs, Gnomes, and Dwarfs. If you are going to be available at these times consistently and are interested then please comment. Our first game will be July 2nd.

Spots available: 0

Marcus Dermont (Half-Orc Cleric)
Break Man Z (Human Magus)
Gob Gob (Dwarf Sorcerer)
Joseph Shields (Human Bard)
Zachary Oren (Human Ranger)
Tony Johansen (Human Paladin)
June 25 (12 years ago)
I'd love to play, but I just got a job and have no idea what the hours will be like. I imagine I'll be around, though, because I'm on the east coast (that's 11-3 PM for me).

I have a lot of Pathfinder experience and can be whatever role is needed.

Speaking from experience (online and in person), you'll probably have some trouble finding a solid group for 4 hours twice a week. It'll be especially hard considering your time zone. (Most people east of you, mostly central and eastern, probably aren't interested in games that late and everyone in the UK is right out.)

It's your game, run it as you please, but be aware that you have a small pool to draw from.
I just edited the the times for some more flexible.
We are looking for dedicated players that want an enjoyable and long campaign.
I can be online at those times easily. I'm not the most experienced tabletop gamer, but I'm always willing to do more.
We have room. What times are you available?
1PM-8PM PST is my usual. So I should be able to be on a little earlier and keep going until it's well finished.
Ok sweet. We are going to have our first game on Thursday. Have you played Pathfinder before?
Yeah, it's the system my group is using at the moment. Do you want to check out the characters before you run it, or...?
Just need to know the race, the class, and just tell me what your ability scores rolls are. If anyone in your group would like to join we have more room.
Alright. I'll start rolling up a character for it. Human Bard okay?
Yep. Sounds good to me.
im game, it ends right before my irl one starts on monday so its good timing for me basically, just gotta make sure not to mix my characters up
Sweet! What race and class are you interested in?
atm iunno cause ive only had a chance to look at the pathfinders beginners kit, ill get back to you in a bit after i skimmped the advance players hand book if thats okies
Okie dokie...sounds good. Just make sure you make a standard character and not the beginner sheet.
is there difference between the sheets in the beginner box then normal sheets or? cause they looked fine to me other then the beginner booklet sheets
Yeah they are WAY different
ill hit you back tommorrow with race and class ill probally have it all done by then
thinking of going halfling monk, gonna do everything tommorrow its getting late
No halfling, elves or half elves in this setting
i guess its a human then lol
June 26 (12 years ago)
If you still have room I would like in but I would not be able play this Thursday, but will be available every Monday and Thursday following. Just checking what timezone you are, there shouldn't be a problem on those days no mater what timezone you are in anyway.
Hmm.. I'm interested in finding a group to play in, and I should be able to make the times.. I also have one question - is Psionics allowed? :D Probably not, I presume..
@Ben Barnett I will postpose the first game until monday if you will not be able to make it, but you are more than welcome to join in...just PM me with your race and class. Also, my timezone is PST
@Gob Gob Sure you can play, i reserve spots once i get a pm telling me your class and race
but yeah though, no psionics :( sry
I'm kinda interested in this though I'm new to Pathfinder if that's cool. I have the beginners site bookmarked as well as the actual hardcover Players Guide. What time is this in EST since I think I got some mixed signals about time frame?
This is 5 to 9 EST but if you would like to join in just make sure can dedicate these times to the game.
I think I can work that into my schedule.
Ok I will put you down for playing then...our first game is next monday. Make sure you tell me your race and class. Other than the restriction i stated above, you can make your character however you like. I trust you to be honest with your stat rolls
June 27 (12 years ago)
I'm very much a novice in Pathfinder, but if you're going twice a week I'm definitely interested.

Human Paladin ready to go.
I can add you, sure. Our first game will be monday July 2nd.
I will send out the links an hour before the starting time
June 27 (12 years ago)
If you ever need another player or fill in, I'm experienced. It seems you have a good number already.
I can put you in. As long as you can make these times.
June 28 (12 years ago)
The times shouldn't be a problem. How do you say I should roll for abilities? Should I buy gear? You said we can make our characters as we like aside from the restrictions, so I imagine all the first-party feats and things are fair. Should I pick up traits?

As for race, I'll be a gnome. As for class, are Summoners out? If so, I'll be a rogue. If not, Summoner.
If summoners are part of a paizo published supplement then feel free. You may roll 4d6, drop the lowest but reroll everything below 10. OR you may do the buy point system with 20 points.
June 29 (12 years ago)
I rolled 17, 17, 17, 13, 10, 10, assuming it was that... haha...

But instead, I think I'll do the point buy to make it less crazy.

Also, we seem to have plenty of arcane magic already, so I'll be a Half-Orc Cleric instead, if that's ok.
Half orc cleric....sounds good to me
8 player group? Dayum this'll be ‼Fun‼ in the most Dorfy way.. Btw, for those who haven't decided what they're gonna be in our group yet, my Dwarf Sorcerer is also going Cleric and Mystic theurge, so we might need a pure arcane caster to fill up his weaknesses. Plus, I don't have a very good spellcraft check, and my knowledge checks will be limited at 3 in religion and 3 in arcana XD
June 29 (12 years ago)
Where do I write out my sheet?
I personally use this to write my characters with.
Despite the fail picture, its a writable PDF character sheet.
June 29 (12 years ago)
Here's my character. I wasn't sure about traits and gear, so I just took 2 traits and bought the average starting gold allowance worth of stuff for a Cleric (140gp worth).
And heres mine, the Dwarf Sorcerer who's going to be multiclassing Cleric (Nethys, Magic and Rune domains) at level 2 and then working towards Mystic Theurge. He'll probably channel negative energy though, since we have a real healer. Gotta love the Empyreal celestial bloodline..
Sweet, yeah though, eight is an insane amount and the thing was first come first serve so I will be dropping those who don't get back to me by the end of today.
I'll likely be doing a Human Magus though I've yet to roll up the actual character due to other things popping up, so go ahead and mark me down for that, Doc. I'll try to get the sheet done over the weekend.
Magi are pretty fun.. if you go the Intensified Spell route later in levels, as well as the trait Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp), then grab Preferred Spell, at level 10 you can spontaneously cast 10d6 Shocking Grasps using spell level 1's. Combine that with a Keen Scimitar.. and you got yourself a 15-20 crit chance with both the blade and the shocking grasp.

Not that I'm trying to min/max there, its just an awesome tactic for a damage oriented Magius. :P
And here's what I came up with.
Good to know, Gob Gob. I'll keep that in mind for later.
I will send out the link to the game to you all tomorrow at about 1:30 pm PST.