World Map Builder, Style 2: Land Masses If this forum topic has been closed due to age, any feedback should be sent to me via PM . Please use the pack's name in the subject line. This pack contains the land masses of the previous World Map Builder: Land Masses pack, but in a different art style, and is intended for those who do not like the art style of my previous World Map Builder pack set. Build a world for your campaign using the a selection of 20 land masses and 30+ Location Icons. Each with a variation that includes Simple Parchment Maps, Color Maps, and Transparent Masked Maps(for separate background assets) so you can build your own world. Any Feedback and Discussion is welcome. Let me know what you think of my packs, what improvements I could make, and if there is anything specific you think I should include in any future packs. Examples: A color map as with multiple land masses as built in Roll20 A parchment map with multiple land masses as built in Roll20 A comparison of Style 2 with the original art style, in color A comparison of Style 2 with the original art style, in parchment Other products, forum topics index: Other Products Forum Discussion Index If this forum topic has been closed due to age, any feedback should be sent to me via PM . Please use the pack's name in the subject line.