Hello! I have a request for assistance from any code gurus and script-o-mancers out there with more know-how on this than I. I am currently running a DnD Game using the 5e OGL sheet and the scripts listed in the post title, all of which are fantastic scripts, much praise to the authors DXWarlock, The Aaron, and Robin Kuiper respectively. My situation is this: using Aura/Tint, whenever a token drops to 0 hp, its statusmarker is set to 'dead', but this update isn't read by the LazyExperience script, I still have to manually re-'dead' the token either manually, or via TokenMod, for LazyExperience to track the death and query the adding of the XP. My request is this: I believe I have identified the section of the Aura/Tint code that deals with the 'dead' status marker, posted below. How do I change it in order for it to run the TokenMod command !token-mod --set --sel statusmarkers|=dead instead of updating the selected token via its own means? //SHOW DEAD----------
if(ShowDead === true) {
if(curValue > 0) obj.set("status_dead", false);
else if(curValue < 1) {
var DeadSounds = state.HealthColors.auraDeadFX;
if(DeadSounds !== "None" && curValue != prevValue) PlayDeath(DeadSounds);
obj.set("status_dead", true);
} Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide! Sidenote: I am aware of the DeathTracker script by DXWarlock that plays nicely with TokenMod and LazyExperience, but Aura/Tint is simply my personal preference. Update: I did try putting in a sendChat line after the obj.set line, which looked like this but didn't work: //SHOW DEAD----------
if(ShowDead === true) {
if(curValue > 0) obj.set("status_dead", false);
else if(curValue < 1) {
var DeadSounds = state.HealthColors.auraDeadFX;
if(DeadSounds !== "None" && curValue != prevValue) PlayDeath(DeadSounds);
obj.set("status_dead", true);
sendChat("System","!token-mod --set --sel statusmarkers|=dead");
} Update: I have found a temporary work around that does help streamline things a bit. By replacing the sendChat above with one that sends a command button of the same Token-Mod command, I can trigger LazyExperience more quickly, but it is still a step I would like to eliminate if anyone can help me figure out how.