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Tokens are semi-transparent

Sometimes when I drop an object on the canvas (token layer) it is washed out and looks semi-transparent.  I can still grab it and move it, access the bubbles above the token etc.  Anybody have any idea why this happens?  It doesn't seem to impact gameplay, but it's irritating to me since things aren't looking the way I'd like.   Anybody know what's going on here?
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Hmm, that is odd. I was originally going to ask if you were accidentally on the Gm layer, but checked my own games and I'm seeing it there as well. This looks like a bug to me, and one that I at least haven't seen before.
There's a known interaction if you are using colored light or tint on tokens that washes them out in this way.  
Forum Champion
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Yes. It is highly likely this is due to Explorer Mode. I have an infographic:

Edited 1694977535
Forum Champion
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The solution is to add yourself (the GM) as a specified controller on the translucent token. Further testing indicates the vision requirements below are not necessary, but I am leaving them in place in case they are needed as more information comes to light. You can use the token-mod macro: !token-mod --set controlledby|+GM To likely solve the issue. I believe you also have to give it vision. Users can always see the tokens they control, so that should bump up the opacity. I have a token-mod macro I use for this that I have labeled "Fix Transparency". !token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|true has_limit_field_of_vision|true limit_field_of_vision_total|0 controlledby|+GM This sets the token's vision to on, but limits it to a zero degree arc. I don't want to clutter the map with NPC vision. You can remove that part if this is a feature you like. And of course, change "+GM" to "+ whatever your player name is". Be sure to use quotes around the name if your player name includes spaces.
@keithcurtis - thanks for the effort on this.  I've set up your macro (or tried to.  I don't have a ton of experience with macros, but I think I did it right).  I've got it configured as a token macro and tried it out.  No dice.   FWIW, I also made the change for permissions and vision by hand on the token, and that didn't seem to change things.  
Forum Champion
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Can you post the text of the macro you used?
Here you go
Forum Champion
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Hmm. That looks correct, but I'm getting different results from what you are experiencing. I'd be happy to investigate directly later today if you want to message me an invite and promote me to GM.