Hello I am trying to build a macro that is seperate from my attack macro pulled from the sheet. I am playing a Paladin / Hexblade and have a lot of different dmg options such as: Booming Blade Divine Smite Eldritch Blast Bless ETC and more to come down the road as I level. I really would like a macro that I can push and it asks me for example: Booming Blade? yes no If no skip to next dmg type if yes how many dice etc Then Devine Smite? Yes / No If no skp to next but if yes what spell level? Undead? adding the dice it would roll Bless extra dmg add that etc etc. I have been playing around with macros and I came up with the begining that is starting to ask me stuff but it formats all wrong then does not roll the dice &{template:default} {{name=Damage}}?{Booming Blade|No,0|Yes, {{BOOM for=[[?{Number of Dice|1}d8]]]}}} {{THUNDER Damage}} I just don't know enough or understand the coding enough to get this how I want it so thought I would finally ask. I also don't know if you can put this code into a template so it looks more organized and not like you just did a /r