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Token Condition Question

Hi, I'm Using The Aarons token condition script and wondered if there is a way when using a condition to remove some of the mirrored items eg status marker.s. Or alternatively is there a way use a decoration and have this displayed above the token it's attached to. Thanks
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Controlling Mirroring For more fine-grained control, you can add a bracketed block to the character name and specify various&nbsp; | &nbsp;delimited tags. Use the&nbsp; mirror &nbsp;tag to specify properties to mirror. Condition: Confused [mirror:aura1_radius] The&nbsp; mirror &nbsp;tag takes as argument a comma delimited list of properties and can include spaces around the punctuation: Condition: Confused [mirror : aura1_radius, aura2_radius , aura1_color ,aura2_color] Properties can be preceded by an operation:&nbsp; + ,&nbsp; - + &nbsp;-- Add the property to the list that are mirrored. (default) - &nbsp;-- Remove the property to the list that are mirrored. Condition: Confused [mirror: -width, -height] &nbsp; So you'll want something like: Condition: Confused [mirror: -statusmarkers ] &nbsp;
Jarren, That works great. Cheers for your help