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Rolemaster Classic 2nd edition Journey to the Misty Mountains

Five adventurers set out to the Misty Mountains in search of a lost party of Elves from Rivendell and bring them home. 1st level using Rolemaster Classic 2nd edition. Via DISCORD and Rol20. First session will be character Creation  Playing Bi weekly on Saturdays from 7-11pm Central time. New players are welcome. all needed books will be available. Saturday December 16th. Comment or message if interested in playing
This sounds really interesting, I'd love a chance to play rolemaster!
I'm interested in playing this game that you will be running 
RM?  Wow, just wow.  Definitely interested. 
Currently have 3 players seeking 2-3 more
Hello folks. looking for players . let me know if you are interested
I'll bite. I have played RM in the past and had a great time. Please sent me a DM if you have a seat open the proverbial Table.
seeking 2-3 more players
Hi! I've been looking for a Middle Earth game so this sounds sweet! Definitely interested if you're still looking
Hi folks seeking players No EXP needed
Hey there. we still need players. message if interested
Seeking 3 players comment or message if interested
Seeking players , campaign is beginner friendly. comment if interested
still seeking players
seeking players
I'm interested and perhaps my wife as well.  We roleplayed I ME about 3 decades ago. Cheers, Steve and Sandy Forsythe
seeking players
still seeking players session 0 coming soon. comment or message if interested
seeking 1 more player