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add +1 every throw

Sheet Author
hello, is it possible to create a macro that would roll a die (1d10 for example) and increment +1 for each additional roll (1d10+1, 1d10+2 ect)?
One way to do that would be to use an attribute to store the increment. Say you create an attribute named roll_increment set to 0 and then you could do your roll and use ChatSetAttr to increment the value after your roll. &{template:default} {{name=Roll Attempt [[@{selected|roll_increment} + 1]] }} {{roll=[[1d10+@{selected|roll_increment}]]}} !modattr --sel --roll_increment|+1 There may be more elegant ways to do this but this is a way to accomplish that per use increment.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jarren's way is the way I'd do this. Note that Jarren's method will require your GM install the ChatSetAttrs script. It would be a good ideea to also create a macro to reset this modifier to zero. !setattr --sel --roll_increment|0 Another way to do this is if you aren't using all 3 of your Token Bubbles. You could use one of them as modifier. Then you'd need the token_mod script to incrememnt its value by 1, the same way Jarren does with an attribute.
Sheet Author
many thanx. Perfect solution.