Posting a question from another channel: @GustavoWinter31: To be successful, community building is a must on any projects. So, how will projects expand your impact and attract more users? This is a great question, and something we've been focused on as a team. We actively try to listen to users' needs and engage with them on building features for them. You'll see us active on the Roll Forums, X (Twitter), Discord and other social media platforms. We also try to talk about where we are going in our newsletters, monthly LiveStream (Roll20 Re-Roll - found on our YouTube ), and our Blog . For example, multiple developers are on the Roll20 Forums daily, reading feedback, responding to questions, and watching the Suggestions Forum (yes, we follow your votes closely!). That helps us enhance the VTT, CharacterSheets, & Market in ways that meet your needs, to make your games better. In the past 18 months, I think the team has delivered more than 5 of the top 10 most requested features, and more than 12 of the top 25 (I haven't done an updated tally recently) - Dark Mode, new UI, Page Folders, Doors/Windows, etc. For us, community building starts with engaging the community - and while there is always room for improvement, we've been putting more effort into engaging Roll20 users (including this AMA).