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Is there a way one could create a checklist in Roll20?

I'd like to keep a running list of open and closed quests and one good way to do this is by a checklist. I don't think there's a way to do this in handouts as those are entirely static, right? Has anyone done this with a workaround of some kind?

Edited 1699381536
I usually do this on a splash page/dashboard. When the players log in, they see what they have on deck with appropriate tokens. I also have upcoming/secret quests on the GM layer. Here's a current one, too big, really. Here's an older version of the same campaign, probably still too big.

Edited 1699385004
Oh that's a neat idea. I was think of just managing an outline in a handout, but I like that concept. Is there a way players can track, recall, and switch quest focus when they're on a different page? How would you handle, say, "ok good job on rescuing the innkeeper's dog, what do you wish to tackle next time we meet?" or related items like "Ok yeah, that's the guy you met back when you rescued the innkeeper's dog".
I don't let the players switch, but often I go back to the dashboard between scenes. At the end of sessions and/or at the start of sessions, I will bring up what is in the Quest section and ask them if there is something that they want to focus on. I have handouts for important NPCs, and these remain visible to the players. I show them to the players again when I bring them up (unless they've been discussed a lot) and sometimes I update the text in their handout with important history/events/info.
Forum Champion
Michael M. said: I'd like to keep a running list of open and closed quests and one good way to do this is by a checklist. I don't think there's a way to do this in handouts as those are entirely static, right? Has anyone done this with a workaround of some kind? I generally prefer the method that Dr DM has shown, above. But there are other ways. Try using a Handout that is configured for Edit: All Players. Handouts are NOT strictly static. The GM can set a Handout to be Editable, and configure who is allowed to edit it. (1 player, or all the players, or just the GM alone by default). There isn't strictly a Checklist Button to type into handouts but of course you can make a list and use a marker-word like "DONE!" as the checkmarks. The upside of this method is the Handouts are accessible by your players at any time, from any Page, even in between game days when the GM isn't logged in. You can even read (but not edit) Handouts in the External Journal outside the VTT.  Another & more complicated way to create actual checkboxes is: Custom Character Sheet. But that would probably be overkill and not worth the effort for this use-case. 
API Scripter
Oh jeez - hey, I've got a thing that uses a common handout right now that lets you add and remove objects - I don't think it'd be too much of a stretch to convert it to some other kind of tracker... a custom tracker maker? Between emojibubble and the color overlay creator, I think it's do-able... 
I'd be interested to look at it.

Edited 1699642364
API Scripter
Trick is if you're not on a pro account, things like emojibubble aren't available - it involves creating an array that you can add to and keeping track of status on that array and re-printing it as a table to the handout on an interaction - with most of the cells being buttons.  I'm not sure if there's a way to get around this by, say, creating a character that has all of the quests as stats or supplies of some kind and calling that via macro from a handout - say the handout causes the macro to "print" all of the attributes on the character sheet...
Ah gotcha. It's not a massive issue as one could simply track/edit quest lists by using common symbology. BTW: Are you saying that you can't print emojis in handouts? I just want to make sure I understand what you're referring to by "emojibubble".
API Scripter
You absolutely can print emojis in handouts, emojibubble is a thing I made that allows players and gms to target a token to have it express in a small word bubble a single emoji - it was a useful way to indicate mood, or provide an unusual experience with limited communication or the like - just it can take an extra step or two to encode and decode unicode characters in handouts when doing so programmatically. 
Roger that.