TheMarkus1204 said: Thanks for the Update, BUT can we get a toggle for the Sidebar and its menus to be displayed in DARKMODE while the Rest of the VTT is still in Lightmode (Like it was BEFORE the Update)? ZOOM Slider is now in Lightmode, too! Although I turn that off cause I don't really need it, I'd like to see THIS in Darkmode as well! Might that be possible? Right now I have the Stylus Script in place which indeed recolors the Sidebar, but the Diceroller, Drawing Menu, Zoom Slider etc. are still in Lightmode! It would be nice, if you could target that, cause then we would NOT need the Stylus Script! Here's some additional code for the other menus. Quick and dirty: @-moz-document regexp("<a href="https://app.roll20.*.net/(editor|campaigns.*)/.*" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.*.net/(editor|campaigns.*)/.*</a>") {
/* Left toolbar background color */
div.master-toolbar-outer { --vtt-container-bg: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8); }
/* "Layers" label color */
div.parentContainer > button.el-button.el-button--default.btnStyle.level /* Zoom percentage color */,
div.buttons-outer > span { color: rgb(179, 179, 179) !important; }
/* Spacer bar color */
div.spacer-outer > div.spacer-inner { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .2) !important; }
/* Selected icon background color */
div.master-toolbar-outer div.icon-slot.icon-selected { background-color: var(--surface-dark2) !important; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 12px; border-color: var(--rgba-020); color: var(--74d543fe); }
/* Icons color */
div.master-toolbar-outer div.icon-slot > span { color: var(--grayscale-d30); }
/* Target Popup Window */
#targetinginstructions { --vtt-container-bg: var(--dark-gray-disabled); }
/* Dice Roller Popup Window */
#vm-dice-roller > div { --vtt-container-bg: var(--dark-gray-disabled); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;}
#vm-dice-roller > div button { color: lightgrey; }
/* Measure Tool Popup Window */
#vm-measure-tool > div
{ --vtt-container-bg: var(--dark-gray-disabled); --vtt-grayscale-base: lightgrey; --vtt-submenu-input-color: lightgrey; --vtt-footer-text-color: lightgrey; --vtt-submenu-highlight-color: white; --vtt-submenu-highlight-color2: white; --vtt-surface: var(--surface-dark) ; --vtt-dropdown-header-color-secondary: lightgrey; --vtt-dropdown-header-bg: black; }
/* Drawing & Text Tool Popup Windows */
#vm-draw-options > div, #vm-text-options > div, #vm-text-options div.items, #vm-draw-options div.items { --vtt-surface2: var(--dark-gray-disabled); color: white; }
#vm-text-options div.selected.text-base-regular, #vm-draw-options div.selected.text-base-regular, #vm-text-options div.text-tool-buttons div.text-tool-button { color: white !important; }
/* Turn Tracker Popup Window */
div.initiativedialog, div.initiativedialog .ui-dialog-title, div.initiative_top_section, div.initiativedialog > div.ui-dialog-buttonpane.ui-widget-content.ui-helper-clearfix { color: var(--grayscale-dark-base) !important; background-color: var(--surface-dark-dark) !important; background-image: none !important; --surface-dark-dark: var(--dark-gray-disabled);}
div.initiativedialog a.ui-dialog-titlebar-close.ui-corner-all { filter: invert(1); }
/* Layer Popup Window */
div.drawer-outer { background: var(--vtt-toolbar-drawer-bg); --vtt-toolbar-drawer-bg: var(--rgba-090); }
div.drawer-outer > div.toolbar-button-outer { color: var(--vtt-toolbar-icon-color); --vtt-toolbar-icon-color: var(--grayscale-d30); }
div.drawer-outer > div.toolbar-button-outer span.label { color: var(--vtt-layer-label-color); --vtt-toolbar-active-selection-color: white; --vtt-layer-label-color: white; }
/* Zoom Toolbar */
#vm_zoom_buttons { --vtt-surface: var(--surface-dark); --vtt-grayscale-base: var(--grayscale-dark-base); --el-button-hover-text-color: #E6E6E6 !important; --vtt-zoom-dropdown-hover-bg: var(--rgba-f10); }
#vm_zoom_buttons div.parentContainer button { background: var(--vtt-surface); color: var(--el-button-hover-text-color); --el-button-hover-text-color: #E6E6E6 !important; }
/* FX Popup Window */
div.legacy-menu.toolbar-collapse-adjust#secondary-toolbar div.mode.fxtools { background: var(--vtt-surface2); --vtt-surface2: var(--surface-dark2); }
div.legacy-menu.toolbar-collapse-adjust#secondary-toolbar div.mode.fxtools select { background: none; color: var(--grayscale-d30); }
div.legacy-menu.toolbar-collapse-adjust#secondary-toolbar div.mode.fxtools select:hover { background: var(--vtt-submenu-input-hover-color); --vtt-submenu-input-hover-color: var(--rgba-f10); }
} I wasn't able to find the selectors for a few of the popout windows (settings, drawing, fog of war, fx tool) as it appears that those fly-out windows are generated by javascript or something, so as soon as I click out of them they disappear.