Hello, Been a while since I've posted; I'm attempting to work on a sheet for one of my own systems, and I'm running into a problem implementing rolls for skills. Rolls have three calculations for skills; Rolled Dice (Associated Attribute + Misc.) Keep Dice ((Associated Attribute / 2) + Misc.) Static Bonus (Level + 5 if marked as Trained) My roll button WILL work when interacting with a fieldset version of the skill, but a normal version of the skill. Here are the examples of the two skills (I've also attached the HTML at the end, but be warned I'm trying to edit and improve things as I go, so it may still look rough) Working skill: <h3>Artisan (Repeating)</h3>
<fieldset class="repeating_artisan-s">
<div class="sheet-table-row">
<b>Artisan:</b> <input type="text" name="attr_ExArtisanS"><br><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="attr_ArtisanTrainedSmarts" value="5+@{level}">
<input type="number" name="attr_ExArtSrt" value="@{smartsT}+@{ArtSrta}" disabled> k
<input type="number" name="attr_ExArtSrtk" value="floor((@{smartsT})/2)+@{ArtSrtb}" min="1" disabled> +
<input type="number" name="attr_ExArttr" value="@{ArtisanTrainedSmarts}+@{ArtSrttra}" disabled>
<button type="roll" value="/em rolls @{ExArtSrt}k@{ExArtSrtk} with a bonus of @{ExArttr}, for [[@{ExArtSrt}d10?{Reroll this number and below. (Leave blank if none)|r<0}?{Explode this number and above. (Leave blank if none)|!!>11}sk@{ExArtSrtk}+@{ExArttr}]])"></button>
<br><b>Miscellaneous Bonuses</b>
<input type="number" name="attr_ArtSrta" value="0"> k
<input type="number" name="attr_ArtSrtb" value="0"> +
<input type="number" name="attr_ArtSrttra" value="0">
Not working skill: <h3>Acrobatics</h3>
<button type="roll" value="/em rolls @{AcroAgi}k@{AcroAgik} with a bonus of @{AcroAGITrained}, for [[@{AcroAgi}d10?{Reroll this number and below. (Leave blank if none)|r<0}?{Explode this number and above. (Leave blank if none)|!!>11}sk@{AcroAgik}+@{AcroAGITrained}]])">Acrobatics</button><br><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="attr_AcrobaticsTrained" value="5+@{level}">
<input type="number" name="attr_AcroAgi" value="@{AgilityT}+@{AcroAGIa}" disabled> k
<input type="number" name="attr_AcroAgik" value="floor((@{AgilityT})/2)+@{AcroAGIb}" min="1" disabled> +
<input type="number" name="attr_AcroAGITrained" value="@{AcrobaticsTrained}+@{AcroAGItra}-@{ap}" disabled>
<br><b>Miscellaneous Bonuses</b>
<input type="number" name="attr_AcroAGIa" value="0"> k
<input type="number" name="attr_AcroAGIb" value="0"> +
<input type="number" name="attr_AcroAGItra" value="0">
Is there something I'm missing? Whenever I try to get it to roll, this is the result for the non working variant: Complete source: <a href="https://www.mediafire.com/file/kw6an37jf65q5ds/TheFade3e.html/file" rel="nofollow">https://www.mediafire.com/file/kw6an37jf65q5ds/TheFade3e.html/file</a>