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Free league The walking dead universe

Is there anyone making sheets for this game? will it soon be availible on roll20 as an drag and drop thingy or will it only be availible on foundry? Pls i need this game someone make it happen........just someone it bugs me that its on foundry and i dont want to learn foundry
For my part, I use the Alien character sheet, obtaining the CSS code from GitHub. I've changed the colors and the names of the skills. (french translation):
Howdy! Walking Dead Universe will be on Roll20 next year. 
Govin  Peux tu mettre ta feuilles de the walking dead rpg à notre disposition ???
Bianca said: Howdy! Walking Dead Universe will be on Roll20 next year.  NEAT! Do we have a possible ETA of a release window?
Bianca said: Howdy! Walking Dead Universe will be on Roll20 next year.  Great....  but you mean Feb 2024? or like Dec 2024?
R B. said: Bianca said: Howdy! Walking Dead Universe will be on Roll20 next year.  Great....  but you mean Feb 2024? or like Dec 2024? Sometime between those dates most likely.
i received an update on free league forum saying 1q 2024
Govin said: For my part, I use the Alien character sheet, obtaining the CSS code from GitHub. I've changed the colors and the names of the skills. (french translation): Would you be willing to share this code? I think it'd be easier to get it to English than doing the whole thing from the Alien one.
I am soooo exited. I hope it comes out soon <3
Hows the news on the system? is it going to be out this month?
i am also waiting and looking every day *cry*
I got a chance to play it on foundry and I was disappointed , bought the rules on pdf and everything but rhis is a game i will not be playing again
benjamin F. said: Govin said: For my part, I use the Alien character sheet, obtaining the CSS code from GitHub. I've changed the colors and the names of the skills. (french translation): Would you be willing to share this code? I think it'd be easier to get it to English than doing the whole thing from the Alien one. Hey benjamin, have you obtain the sheet? I can use the english version if you have one
Is the character sheet work dead? why is there no updates on this ??????
same here waiting and waiting....
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In general, Roll20 doesn't give incremental updates on something that is not in some kind of public or curated Beta testing (like the PF2 sheet, Jumpgate or Roll20 Characters). There's probably nothing to report at this point.
the thing should be out end of Q1. A little note would be nice. It feels, like they just had forget us. If I knew, two weeks, a month, a year...I could plan. Now I´m waiting and waiting, Chars are ready and we cannot start
It was free league that said end of Q1, Roll20 said next year. You should follow up on the free league forms.
Hi, any update on the release date on Roll 20 for TWD? I got the game on Kickstarter and only play online, so desperately waiting still to run it.
Well I started the thread bevause i wanted to play it here , did play it on foundry but i actually moved away from it , did not find the game so good when actually played
In German, I would say “ ich raste aus! Ich eskaliere total!“ finally it’s there!!!! Have fun guys 🥰

Edited 1718298426
I've tried the new sheet, and i want to report some problems, but i don't know where to send it: 1) There's no armor roll . At least, not incorporated. I've tried to text @{Selected|armor_action} , and the roll exist, but also roll the stress, and that doesn't make sense. Of course I can just roll d6 with dice roller, but it's an official sheet, so i expect a function IN the sheet 2)The weapon roll don't add the description . What's the point in having a space dedicated to the description if i cannot show it on chat? It's not even visible if i "close" the formatting for the weapon... 3) We need a Dice Roller as the one present in the Alien sheet. Does someone knows where i can send these suggestions?