Hi there. I've posted this question before, but lately I've been seeing more content that seems to have found a way around using Roll20's default fonts. I've been able to get the fonts different by copy pasting from an external document into Roll20. However, the font color is locked and doesn't switch when going between dark and light mode (meaning on one it will not be visible). The following examples seem to have found a way around that. Even when changing the following examples to a "normal" style, they retain their formatting. I'm wondering what wizardry people are doing that I'm missing out on. Examples are the Sly Flourish Fantastic Lairs that came with the holiday pro gift promotion thing, and the Deadlands test drive for Savage Worlds. I would very much like to replicate this sort of thing. There are no added scripts, stylus extensions, GM note hacks, etc. being used. Thanks!