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Imperium Maledictum new sheet

Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Hey all! I have been working on a sheet for my Imperium Maledictum campaign. I will be sharing it publicly after some more testing. Let me know if you are interested in testing now (need a pro account to do so) or have any requests or ideas. Here's what its looking like so far: I tried to keep it fairly close to the official character sheet and include some 40k look and feel. Many things are clickable to roll such as characteristics, skills, specialties, weapons, and powers. Attributes are auto-calculated. I tried to keep the choices like faction or specialty mostly text based to keep it open for the future.
Sheet Author
Looks great Robert!
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Thanks! Ready for testing this weekend.
Looks very good! Approved by the Omnissiah, for sure! I'd love to help (test), but unfortunately I doubt I have much time in the coming weeks. But if no one else volunteers, I can give it a quick spin at least.

Edited 1702748369
Sheet Author
I would recommend just posting a link to a "test" game.  I've done this whenever I'm working on a new sheet or actively working on a existing one.  Us authors™ have a tendency to be a bit over-protective of our creations, but in the end it's a community sheet.  Although challenging and humbling at times, it's good to get feedback from others.  AND it's great to let people find all the bugs before releasing/updating a sheet. ;-)
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Oh good idea! I have a couple bugs to fix after playing today and then I'll create a game for it.
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
I've setup a test game here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I did some quick testing and didn't run into any bugs or problems. The sheet is very straightforward to use and looks great. As a nice touch, the symbol of the faction chosen shows up on the sheet (like a watermark), which is very cool. The sheet handles rolling with advantage or disadvantage well, choosing the result for you correctly. All in all, a very good sheet and looks to be ready for prime time, as far as my quick testing goes. Only thing I might add, is the description of the test result on the roll template. Like "Astounding Success" or "Impressive Failure" (from p. 187 of the rulebook). It's not absolutely necessary as you do show the SL already, but it would be nice. There already is the "Automatic Success" and "Automatic Failure" descriptions on the template, these could go in the same place (formatted identically, e.g. //Astounding Success).
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Thanks for testing! That's a great idea. All that stuff certainly helps me. Less book lookups the better. One thing I realized last night while tinkering with an NPC sheet is that advantage and disadvantage need one further logic tweak that I can see. There may be more. The one I thought of was: if you roll auto success or auto failure, the non-optimal roll may be better or worse. For example, if you have a 65% and roll a 30 with advantage. 03 seems better, but it would just be a +0 success, while the 30 would still be a +3 success.
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Now updated with NPC sheet and the logic I mentioned earlier. Plus the success level description (thanks @Tommi!). All up on the test game. Should be ready to post publicly soon. Now that I updated the rolling logic, I want to test it a little more.
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Pull request submitted, so it should be available to all games soon.
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Whelp turns out this won't be going public. Roll20 doesn't want to support multiple sheets for games.

Edited 1704402063
Sheet Author
Robert B. said: Whelp turns out this won't be going public. Roll20 doesn't want to support multiple sheets for games. Sorry to hear that Robert.&nbsp; Sadly, your sheet isn't the first to fall victim to roll20's one sheet per system "tradition". Other than provide the mechanism to build the sheets, Roll20 doesn't really support community sheets though...&nbsp; Am I wrong? Additional sheet choices in the template drop-down and some space on the github repo to hold the sheet code.&nbsp;What else? The roll20 game creators would get to decide if they wanted sheet A, B, C, or...? based on their particular needs. Does the sheet handle all the features of a given system?&nbsp; Does it have translations?&nbsp; Is the sheet still supported/updated?&nbsp; Does it have supporting API mods?&nbsp; Is it the most popular sheet? etc. I know Pro level can use custom sheets, but if the sheet code isn't on the repo how are people supposed to know about it? Allowing more than one sheet per game system is a win for the community and roll20.
Oh crap! Really? I didn't even know there was another sheet for IM, so I went and checked it out. The other one is much more primiive and looks more like a place-holder (sorry), than a completely finished sheet. Especially when comperd to your sheet. Can you ask Roll20 to replace the old sheet with yours, as your sheet is much more refined. If not, you could release the code for it, so others can use it as long as they have a Pro account.
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Thanks for the kind words. Here's my own fork of the repo for any who want to grab it: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Let me know if you do use it and find any bugs.
Forum Champion
Robert B. said: Whelp turns out this won't be going public. Roll20 doesn't want to support multiple sheets for games. I would suggest appealing the decision with a breakdown of the advantages of your sheet vs the existing sheet. Perhaps that might sway them. Especially if the existing sheet is no longer being supported.
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Talked with the original sheet creator and he is cool with combining them. I'll need to do some work to make it backwards compatible with the existing sheet. Hopefully roll20 won't reject that as heresy.

Edited 1704832620
Sheet Author
That's good to hear.&nbsp; I know it can be MUCH more work to update an existing sheet vs building a new one.&nbsp; I seem to recall a bit of a "land grab" when sheets were introduced here.&nbsp; Sadly, many of those sheets have long been abandoned.&nbsp; Too many sheets and not enough authors. Good luck and enjoy the journey.
How did your efforts to combine the sheets turn out? I’m about to shift a whole server from Dark Heresy to Maledictum, and your sheet would make that effort far easier of an endeavor. :)&nbsp;
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Hah - haven't really started yet. Too much like work. :) If you have a pro account you can still use it as a custom sheet now though.
Hey, I just wanted to thank you for making this sheet. It looks gorgeous in the preview image you've got here and in the demo campaign you've linked here. I went to your git hub and downloaded the relevant html, css, and json files, but when I dropped them into a custom sheet it didn't come out so hot. Could you give me some pointers about what I'm missing and what steps I need to do to complete the custom page? Best, Harrow

Edited 1706307227
Sheet Author
Hi helloHarr0w a screenshot might help?&nbsp; Make sure you do not have the legacy option toggled in the game settings page.&nbsp; I wonder if the sheet's images will work since this isn't on the official repo and is linked to images on a private account...
I don't know what happened, but one of my players logged in and said the sheet looked great. I logged in and now it looks completely perfect. I'm not sure what changed, but I did confirm that the legacy option was toggled off. Thank you all again! - Harrow
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Hey! Sorry for the late reply. Let me know if you run into anything else. The version on github should work, images included.