I prepare my Journal entries as separate Word
documents, and then copy-paste them.
I am using the latest version of MS Office on
Windows 10, and my default browser is Firefox.
Now, I
do keep each Journal entry as a separate document, but I always use the same
default settings: Arial size 12, without any fancy Word effects.
What happens is: the Roll20 journals do not
accept the Arial 12 font and automatically change it to Arial 10 (or so it
Sometimes. About half the time.
I tried to see what would happen if I changed
the font in Word to 14, maybe then Roll20 would change it to 12? Nope! It
changed it to 16!
I have slight OCD, and this is a really
annoying problem to have. I have seen people complaining about text formatting
here in the forums some 11 years ago. :(
maybe there's a workaround I haven't thought of yet. Any ideas?
Side note: one thing I have discovered is that
if I paste a text from Notepad (which has no formatting whatsoever), the Roll20
seems to default to that Arial 10 size I mentioned earlier.
Arial size 10
size 12
Arial size 14 Edit: I copy-pasted this whole text from Word just to see if font sizes would be affected. They are, unlike in Journal entries.