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Uploading a whole folder (without using the deprecated library management tool)

Hello ! I would like to upload a whole folder of tokens to my game and found out about the library tool in the marketplace section of Roll20, thanks to an old <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;. But the page it links to ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;) states that the library management tool is deprecated, though it still works (I tried uploading 9 tokens, everything seems all fine). Is there a supported replacement for this tool or another way of bulk uploading files ? Did anyone notice any issues using the deprecated version ? Seeya, Moonbird
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Hi Moonbird! Drag and drop onto the canvas supports bulk uploading. Just grab all the files in the desktop folder and drag them onto the VTT. Or use the upload button and do a multiple select. If you want to do multiple selections on files that are already in the Art Library, use Folder View inside of any game: single click on any asset in the Art Library to open the interface.
OK, thanks a lot for your answer !
Hi again ! Some feedback: bulk upload on the canvas works fine, but afterward it becomes sort of tedious.&nbsp; I want to upload a folder with 178 tokens in it to a folder in Roll20 in my library. What I'm doing now is: 1. upload to canvas from the folder on my drive 2. open the folder from my library over the canvas by double clicking on it's name 3. move each pic (token) one by one from the recent uploads section in my library to the open folder over the canvas Multiple selections from the upload button doesn't work (I'm on a Mac, neither shift-click nor command click have any effect in the "Choose a file" dialog). Is there a way to bulk send the tokens directly to the library folder ? Either by moving a group of token in step 3 or by moving from the drive to the library folder and thus replacing steps 1 and 3 completely ? Seeya, Moonbird
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Hi Moonbird! Also a Mac user here (since 1986!). I had forgotten that multiple selections could not be performed through the upload button. I never really use it, preferring to drag and drop. As for moving, are you using Folder View? It's not perfect, but does allow for moving multiple items at once. Click once on Recent Uploads. This will open Folder view, which is very similar to the deprecated Library interface. You cannot drag select, or shift select a range, but you can multi-select by single-clicking on each piece you want to move. Once all your images are selected, they can be moved into a folder in the Art Library panel with a single drag operation. Again, not perfect, but much better than moving each item singly. As a bonus, it allows you to bulk-tag and bulk-delete as well. More info on Folder View .
Hello Keith ! Thanks again for your help, I'm finally able to move those tokens in a folder in a group, eventhough as you said it's not perfect but better than moving each picture individually. A small detail, that sort of baffled me for a couple of minutes before figuring it out thanks to your link to Folder View (and makes me wonder about Roll20 UI's design concepts and coherence...): opening the "Recent Uploads" folder view is done by clicking on one of the recent upload pictures, not on the title of the recent upload section. Whereas opening a folder view on a folder in the library is done by clicking on the name of the folder... Go figure... Thanks again ! Moonbird
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Roll20 has a lot of quirks, particularly on the older stuff. In the case of the Art Library organization, it helps to understand how it is actually organized. Recent Uploads is actually where all uploaded files are located. Anywhere else you can see the file is really just a pointer to that file in Recent Uploads. "Folders" are really more like tags or a saved search. The file does not exist within the folder. If you delete a file from a folder, it does not actually get deleted, just the pointer to the actual file in Recent Uploads. To further complicate things, Recent Uploads has a filter to show/hide items that have not been "placed" in "folders" (i.e. only show up in Recent Uploads and not subject to any organization). It is possible that as Project Jumpgate progresses, the presentation of the Art Library may also get an upgrade. tl;dr: Recent Uploads is the actual file repository, and behaves differently than the folders.
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
I’m still doing it the old way, 10 tokens at a time or 1 map at a time. Last time I tried uploading multiple maps it screwed up all of them and I had to clean up the mess and start again.&nbsp;
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Hey Andrew! Can you describe how things were "messed up"? I bulk upload a ton of images for conversion work, and have not run into this problem. Images can behave differently depending on what layer they are being placed on from the library, but from an upload, they typically come in at 1:1 pixel screen resolution.
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Last time I tried it, all the thumbnail images were mangled, and the images were mangled when I dragged them to a Map page. None of the map images were usable. I presumed something was broken in the process after the JPG file is sent to Roll20.&nbsp;
Forum Champion
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I'm suspecting that was a temporary issue. I typically bulk upload 20-30 pieces at a time without issue. It might be worth giving it another shot next time you need to do a bunch of images at the same time.