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Image Library needs a management tool

Score + 83
Hello, I've been a Roll20 user for a VERY long time. 8 years apparently. I have a metric amount of old uploaded images and I have reached my image quota. There are a lot of problems with editing inside Roll20's image library. I've been going through the process of deleting a lot of old images and it has been immensely tedious. Why do I have to enter a campaign and then work within another window just to edit my image library? Why? I have to deal with objects, maps, etc. Why can't I use my full screen? We need a fully dedicated page under the Tools section of the main website. So the image library can be edited completely outside of a launched campaign. It would be nice to use a full screen to upload images, delete images, move images around folders, reorganize folders, etc. At least an update of the image folder system because it does not function properly. I cannot move images already uploaded into a new image folder? Why? Is there something wrong with the system? It's been like this for years. My friends have the same issue. It just doesn't work. My image library would be far more organized by now if it did work. Also, I have recently had problems with deleting images in the current system. I need to open a support ticket for it. I clicked the "Stop reminding me I'm deleting things" box and now nothing will get deleted. At all??? I can't delete my old images now. It's very frustrating and tiring that a core part of the website is jank. Especially after using it for 8 years. I do not code anymore, but the image library editing of the website is embarrassing. The image library system is something almost every single game uses. We needed a proper overhaul and it feels like it's been ignored for too long. We got super cool compendium integrations, general UI overhaul, and alternate character sheet formats. But I literally beg you Software Gods, please fix the image library! I'm literally begging PLEASE FIX IT P.S. If you think I am joking, go upload an image and then make a new image folder. Try to put the image in it. Completely busted.
+1. AND while at it, make the library available EVERYWHERE (even outside campaigns)! WHY? The new Characters feature (previously Character Vault) Banner Images for new campaigns (if you want to reuse an image already uploaded) Removing Duplicates of the same image (see point 2) ...
A proper interface for managing my image library would be a godsend. I have dozens of games at this point, and while I do try to keep my assets organized on upload, sometimes I am just in a hurry and everything gets thrown in there. Managing assets from the current interface is terrible . And needing to do it from inside of a game seems unnecessary.
+1, running into this now.
+1, YES!  I've got a lot of images that were loaded for one shots, and it's a pain to sort though, find them, and manage them. It would also be nice( not sure if it's possible ), to get a "where used" list for the images.  As in, what games is this image used in
JUMPGATE time to get this on the road
+1! Indeed, it would be great to have a way to better identify if an asset is already linked/used in a game. Sort of red dot in front of or after the asset. Then hoovering over it with the mouse pointer you see the games listed :D Wonder if that is programmable for roll20 ... The warning you currently get: "...his item will be permanently removed from your library and all games it's used in. ..." This is not much of help IMO. :/ 
For clarification ... that's meant to be just an add to the initial posts' requests :) Am one the the GMs that quickly upload a picture to be used in an handout or for a NPC. Then months later I do not find this pic in my library (because am not that patient and do not like to spend much time searching), so potentially I upload it again just to save time.  Now my understanding is that the file is physically uploaded to my library and eating up space of my quota two times. Being able to identify which asset is used in which game would help me cleaning up the library from duplicates.
Yep, adding my vote. 

Edited 1726898446
Good luck. There is a 4+ year old thread asking for the same thing, that the brilliant roll20 devs have ignored, despite getting almost 80 upvotes. It's ridiculous. On your notes, WHY do we have to delete ONE FREAKING IMAGE AT A TIME? The lack of a way to access the library from outside of a game, AND the lack of tools to quickly delete multiple images, makes the entire library system cumbersome, frustrating to use, and even more frustrating to clean up. ESPECIALLY since we are so limited on how much space we have. Come on, get the daggone basics down roll20. I said it in the other thread today and I will say it here: I WILL drop my paid membership if this continues to be ignored. There's zero excuse the requests for this have gone on so long, been ignored, and we get no word or acknowledgement. it's frustrating, as a paying member, to not get a very basic feature and be ignored when we request it MULTIPLE TIMES. I, for one, am tired of being ignored, and I absolutely will cancel my sub this continues to go unchecked. I implore everyone else sick of the library issues, to do the same, if Roll20 keeps ignoring us. 
Stephen C.
Sheet Author
This topic can be combined with this one .
at least a multiselect would be a game changer. Like now its just messy....
As Stephen linked I made a thread about a similar problem 2 years ago, after looking for a similar thread and finding a few examples of closed threads several more years old.  This is an age old problem, and it's really sad that Roll20 had yet to do something about it.
I know next to nothing about what it takes to add this kind of functionality, but I'm very surprised that a site meant for running RPGS, which have loads of information to keep track of, lacks basic file management tools.
Forum Champion
Stephen C. said: This topic can be combined with this one . That would be great if they get combined and they should. Unfortunately we rarely if-ever see that kind of attention given to Community Forums from Roll20 Team in recent years. It's a major area where Roll20 could easily do better for the users, customers, community. 
+1, would love to be able to organize the mess of my uploaded assets
OMG Yes.   I'm relatively new to Roll20 but i cannot believe file management is so cumbersome.    Deleting an image from a folder puts it back in recent?...but if you delete from recent it deleted from the folder as well?   Some of it makes NO sense. In 2025 managing your files should be as simple as OneDrive/GDrive/Dropbox.
The issue there is because when an image is "moved" to a user-created folder, it isn't actually moved: the image stays in the root folder and all that's placed in the user's folder is a pointer to that file. Deleting the tag in the folder still leaves the original image, but deleting the image from the root folder invalidates the pointer in the user-created folder. Yes, it's very cumbersome, especially if you don't begin to organize your images right from the start; doing it after your image collection starts to get unmanageable is a royal pain. Pneuma said: Deleting an image from a folder puts it back in recent?...but if you delete from recent it deleted from the folder as well?   Some of it makes NO sense.
Yea I figured this is how it worked (i'm an IT guy) but man it's so tedious.  And to make it worse, once I upload art, I cannot then use it as a hand-out, i have to re-upload in the hand-outs area.  Would be great if I could just right-click some file (like a map or NPC image) and "create handout". it isn't actually moved: the image stays in the root folder and all that's placed in the user's folder is a pointer to that file.
Oh once you upload art and it's in your system you can drag it from there into the image space for a handout, you don't need to upload it a second time.  I frequently wind up re-using token art for different games and such so I've been doing that a lot.  You can also drag the art to the character sheet edit part the same way without re-uploading it.

Edited 1737552250
Hmmmm ok it 'kind of' works.   If you make a new hand out, you can switch back to the Art Library and drag it from there.   BUT, if you open an art library folder,...and then make a handout, you cannot drag it from the open folder.    So you have to keep switching back and forth to make a few handouts. Weirdness. Oh once you upload art and it's in your system you can drag it from there into the image space for a handout
I normally create the handouts, open it in editing mode, then switch the right panel to the art library and drag any image I want directly from its stored folder, not a popped out window.  Yep. It's cumbersome, but I think that the main effort in the past was to make the VTT work, then things like character sheets, handouts, etc. were added along the way. This is an old site (created in 2012, I think) , with old code that's been patched and updated along the way. I don't think that a file management system was even on the radar until recently. Pneuma said: Hmmmm ok it 'kind of' works.   If you make a new hand out, you can switch back to the Art Library and drag it from there.   BUT, if you open an art library folder,...and then make a handout, you cannot drag it from the open folder.    So you have to keep switching back and forth to make a few handouts.
Afaik it's never been on the radar, though if you check the forum history there were threads about it going several years back. Rick A. said: I don't think that a file management system was even on the radar until recently.
+1 Yes...