Hey folks!
As you know, we've been working for more than a year now on a new version of the Roll20 User Interface. We've been working hard to get it ready for you all and you've been sending us a lot of feedback (thousands of responses, in fact!) As of today we're pleased to announce that the first part of the UI Redesign, the New Toolbar, is now the toolbar for all users on the VTT.
Not only does this bring a new, modern design, it also comes with the new Measure Tool with built-in support for AoE shapes, much better accessibility support, full light and dark mode, and a whole lot of other neat features.
We'll continue to work to improve the new toolbar -- for example, recently we improved the Measure Tool further to allow you to dock it into the toolbar to keep it out of your way while you're measuring things on the tabletop. So keep giving us your feedback and we'll keep improving.
In addition to this, a few other things to note today:
- We've revamped the tutorial for new users to make sure it's compatible with the new toolbar, and we've added handy videos to each step to hopefully ease new users into the experience.
- The "UI Redesign" flag has been renamed to "Beta Features". If you were already opted in you will still be opted in. The Page Folders and New Compendium Search remain behind this flag for now.
- The New Compendium Search will be turned on by default for anyone opted in to Beta Features. We've done a lot of work on this over the past month and we feel like it's ready for prime time. However, there's still a separate toggle to turn it off if you'd like.
Thanks for all of your feedback and for helping us continue to make Roll20 better. All of this work is also laying the foundation for Jumpgate to be ready to go, and we'll continue to share more details on our progress there with a new blog post coming this week.