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The New Toolbar is Now Available to All Users

If you toggle it off/on once does it fix it and make it so they are back in sync? The fix we put out was more for the people who were reporting that some elements like the Turn Order tracking were showing as Light Mode when Dark Mode was enabled making them unreadable. I think this is a bug where after you clear cache + cookies the first time, until you toggle the setting back and forth for some reason it has two different values stored somplace.
Toggle puts it back in sync. BUT this should NOT happen in the first place, or should it? Riley D. said: If you toggle it off/on once does it fix it and make it so they are back in sync? The fix we put out was more for the people who were reporting that some elements like the Turn Order tracking were showing as Light Mode when Dark Mode was enabled making them unreadable. I think this is a bug where after you clear cache + cookies the first time, until you toggle the setting back and forth for some reason it has two different values stored somplace.
Riley D. said: Hey folks! We just put a quick series of hotfixes with the following: Added functionality to the color picker with the New Toolbar update that will allow you to manually specify alpha values (e.g. you can enter "#00000080" for semi-transparent black). Note as before you cannot add transparent values to lines on the Lighting layer. Fixed a bug where the drop-down to pick dice type was not appearing in the Advanced Dice Roller. Fixed a bug where Dark Mode CSS wasn't loading correctly for some users. Thanks! Awesome ! looks to be working for me
If I may make a suggestion: In my current game, the group has already committed the ultimate sin: they split the party.  So during combat, as the GM, I need to switch between two different maps on a regular basis. Each time I do, the pan/zoom of the map has been reset, and I need to move/zoom the map so I can get back to where I was.  Can I make a feature request that, for at least the login-session and the GM, the position and pan/zoom of maps be saved/restored when switching between maps?
Noticed that as well. If you have 2 maps, one of them larger than the other. On the larger map, you zoom out in order to see everything relevant BUT when switching to the second, smaller map, you need to zoom in again. Switching then back to map 1 not only reset the zoom factor but also the positon the map is loaded with... And this is really annoying! So +1 to this! underjack said: If I may make a suggestion: In my current game, the group has already committed the ultimate sin: they split the party.  So during combat, as the GM, I need to switch between two different maps on a regular basis. Each time I do, the pan/zoom of the map has been reset, and I need to move/zoom the map so I can get back to where I was.  Can I make a feature request that, for at least the login-session and the GM, the position and pan/zoom of maps be saved/restored when switching between maps?
Forum Champion
underjack said: If I may make a suggestion: In my current game, the group has already committed the ultimate sin: they split the party.  So during combat, as the GM, I need to switch between two different maps on a regular basis. Each time I do, the pan/zoom of the map has been reset, and I need to move/zoom the map so I can get back to where I was.  Can I make a feature request that, for at least the login-session and the GM, the position and pan/zoom of maps be saved/restored when switching between maps? As a workaround, what I do is I open up two tabs, one on each page. Then I switch between tabs to handle each page.  There are two issues with it.  1) If I refresh either window it will reopen on the most recently opened page, not the page it was last on.  2) The "bloop" sound when there is movement in the chat window is doubled, making it much much louder. You can mute Roll20 to fix that of course but then you won't hear it at all. 
Forum Champion
This will make an excellent Suggestion for the Suggestions +1 forum, underjack. I don't know of an existing Suggestion that overlaps this. If there is already one, we can rally to +1 it. If there's not, you can create it and start the rally.  A good Suggestion headline would be, Preserve the last Zoom and Pan per each Page Map underjack said: If I may make a suggestion: In my current game, the group has already committed the ultimate sin: they split the party.  So during combat, as the GM, I need to switch between two different maps on a regular basis. Each time I do, the pan/zoom of the map has been reset, and I need to move/zoom the map so I can get back to where I was.  Can I make a feature request that, for at least the login-session and the GM, the position and pan/zoom of maps be saved/restored when switching between maps?
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Since it was a feature of the previous page menu, and this is a dev-started thread about the new page menu, I think bringing it up here is valid. I would definitely like that behavior restored.

Edited 1706181999
The Advanced Dice Roller problem seems to be fixed. Thanks for that! Also love the fact that you can change the GM opacity direct without having to dig down in the seetings. Great work!
My wish would be for opacity to be a persistent setting.  I massively prefer 35%, but it resets to 55% at log out
Is the Dynamic Lighting barriers/walls tool dropped entirely in the new UI? To prevent my players seeing through walls I had to create tons of "secret" doors in place of the walls as a workaround. I'm afraid it might be affecting the map performance.
Forum Champion
Hi Hunter G.,  Dynamic Lighting layer is still present, renamed Lighting (shortened to Light on the button name) and it is down at the bottom left corner of your screen.  You can still draw barriers on the Lighting layer.  Could you describe the problem you are having in more detail?  Hunter G. said: Is the Dynamic Lighting barriers/walls tool dropped entirely in the new UI? To prevent my players seeing through walls I had to create tons of "secret" doors in place of the walls as a workaround. I'm afraid it might be affecting the map performance.
My mistake. I was looking in the lighting tool instead of the drawing tool, expecting the wall option to be there.
What happened to being able to create token macro buttons?  Until this recent update, I could simply copy and paste a token action for initiative and attacks by using the up arrow in the chat box.  Now I get an error message that "No ability is found for %"  Secondly, a token on the DM layer is skipped in the turn order?  Please fix this ASAP!

Edited 1706379250
Forum Champion
Hi Mike,  I am not finding a problem with using the up arrow. Could you supply more information?  Exact steps to reproduce would be helpful.  I am also not able to replicate the skipping of the turn in the turn order. Could you supply more information on this as well?  Also, which browser are you using?  Have you tried using a Incognito (Chrome) or Private (Firefox) tab?
Can we please have the option of having cross hairs when drawing Dynamic Lighting lines, the nip  cursor is far harder to place accurately.
Gauss,    I was able to clear up the issue with the macros.  Evidently, opening a werewolf from the MM1 Compendium in the CoS campaign causes a conflict of some sort.  Once I deleted the MM1 creature, everything works fine.  As an aside, did you realize the the werewolf from the MM1 does not have a bite action?    As for the turn order.  Let's say I have multiple creatures of the same type. (9 Giant Spiders)  3 are in plain sight, but the other nine are hidden.  I would keep the other nine on the GM layer.  Using a macros button, I roll for initiative for each monster in the turn order.  My six players also roll for initiative.  When I post the turn order and sort them in a descending order, any creature that is on the GM layer gets skipped even if it has a higher initiative than a PC. 

Edited 1706388383
Forum Champion
Mike said: Gauss,    I was able to clear up the issue with the macros.  Evidently, opening a werewolf from the MM1 Compendium in the CoS campaign causes a conflict of some sort.  Once I deleted the MM1 creature, everything works fine.  As an aside, did you realize the the werewolf from the MM1 does not have a bite action? If you have two of the same name in the Journal tab it can cause conflicts like that.  I was not able to replicate the MM1 Werewolf not having a bite attack. The duplication issue may also have created that problem.  Mike said:    As for the turn order.  Let's say I have multiple creatures of the same type. (9 Giant Spiders)  3 are in plain sight, but the other nine are hidden.  I would keep the other nine on the GM layer.  Using a macros button, I roll for initiative for each monster in the turn order.  My six players also roll for initiative.  When I post the turn order and sort them in a descending order, any creature that is on the GM layer gets skipped even if it has a higher initiative than a PC.  I was not able to replicate this. When I sort descending it sorts GM layer creatures as well.  Could you provide a screenshot?  Are you using any extensions?  Are you using any Mods?  Which browser are you using?  Have you tried doing this in a completely new campaign (with no Mods) and in a Incognito (Chrome) or Private (Firefox) tab to see if you can duplicate it there? 
Gauss,    To be clear, it does add the creatures on the GM level to the turn order, but when you end the turn of a player/creature on the token level it will skip anything on the GM level.  Pictures to follow in roughly 14 hours....
Forum Champion
Mike said: Gauss,    To be clear, it does add the creatures on the GM level to the turn order, but when you end the turn of a player/creature on the token level it will skip anything on the GM level.  Pictures to follow in roughly 14 hours.... When you say "end the turn" that sounds like you might not be using the arrow button to advance the turn order. Are you using a Turn Tracker script of some kind? 

Edited 1706543556
Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I am trying to access 'Assets from the Web' (Chrome) but I am unable to see any of the images. Just a place holder. I can drag them over but I cant see a preview.
Forum Champion
Steve,&nbsp; Look at the "New content for Free art library" thread. You will need to follow some steps in there to Claim as many of the Free assets as possible, and learn to start using those in your Library / Search, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Forum Champion
Gold said: Steve,&nbsp; Look at the "New content for Free art library" thread. You will need to follow some steps in there to Claim as many of the Free assets as possible, and learn to start using those in your Library / Search, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I think that Steve's problem is with the From the Web section, not the Free content.&nbsp; Steve,&nbsp; The From the Web section is a relic. In short, Google shut down Google search inside Roll20 years ago, what you are seeing is a cached (snapshot) version of what was available at the time it was frozen. Frankly, it should be removed outright.&nbsp;
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As an addendum, as images are deleted or made unavailable on the web, they become broken links inside that snapshot. AFAIK, Roll20 cannot edit that snapshot, nor should they waste valuable time doing so. There are so many resources on the web nowadays that are available without messing with that outdated and frankly meager set.

Edited 1706579979
Forum Champion
From The Web is depricated, like you're saying Gauss, and I'm saying the utility of it has been replaced by the offering of the Free Content. On the user-experience side, I think these are one-and-the-same (except the Free content is just better &amp; more, not to mention unbroken). Steve is essentially asking how to get usable playable Tokens into his game table, without paying extra, just by using the search. That is why I still think the practical answer is: Learn a workflow to use the free content that has recently been upgraded.&nbsp;&nbsp; A step along the path to outright-removing of the From The Web section may be to guide all of its many users to the newer methods for using the Free library packs. This tip is given so that Users aren't left behind, scratching their heads, wondering how to keep playing their games with drag-and-drop, on-the-fly art objects obtained during gameplay from the right-hand Art section of roll20.&nbsp; Gauss said: I think that Steve's problem is with the From the Web section, not the Free content.&nbsp;
Thanks for the feedback and tips. Just to confirm it was the 'From the Web' assets I have been using on the fly in game. I have kind of enjoyed being able to do it. Times change though so I will have to find a work around.
Jay said: Please let the drawing tool use a regular mouse cursor. Trying to use the new pen tool to draw dynamic lighting walls has become way more difficult, the pen-styled cursor isn't precise at all. I also agree with KyberPunk, showing what layer you're on all the time is unnecessary and clutters up the screen. It's another thing I wish was optional for those of us who don't want it. I'll second this as the new "nib" is really pretty bad for detail as well as general work!!! A step backwards in fact Tom
underjack said: If I may make a suggestion: In my current game, the group has already committed the ultimate sin: they split the party.&nbsp; So during combat, as the GM, I need to switch between two different maps on a regular basis. Each time I do, the pan/zoom of the map has been reset, and I need to move/zoom the map so I can get back to where I was.&nbsp; Can I make a feature request that, for at least the login-session and the GM, the position and pan/zoom of maps be saved/restored when switching between maps? We added a ticket to get this done in Jumpgate, I think this is a great idea!
Hey folks! We put out a small update today that should help fix something that's been a little annoying. Now the Measure Tool will remember its last state whenever you switch tools and come back to it. So if you've hidden the Measure Tool settings, then select and move a token, you can come back to the Measure Tool and keep measuring without having the settings box get in the way. Thanks!
Riley, We're still having compendium issues. If you search things in the compendium, they WILL show up now, but they always show up with the subheader instead of the core search, or aren't searching at all. To illustrate, go to the 5E Compendium and try searching Half-Orc (the Rolltable for names shows up, but not the race entry so it could be dragged onto a sheet) or Half-Elf (which IS click-and-draggable, but which shows up in the compendium as "Half-Elf: Half-Elf Names" rather than just Half-Elf.) It's confusing the hell out of my players.
And even more issues... Compendium Sharing still does not work with the new compendium... Starr Saphyre said: Riley, We're still having compendium issues. If you search things in the compendium, they WILL show up now, but they always show up with the subheader instead of the core search, or aren't searching at all. To illustrate, go to the 5E Compendium and try searching Half-Orc (the Rolltable for names shows up, but not the race entry so it could be dragged onto a sheet) or Half-Elf (which IS click-and-draggable, but which shows up in the compendium as "Half-Elf: Half-Elf Names" rather than just Half-Elf.) It's confusing the hell out of my players.
I don't experience this. Compendium Sharing is working just fine for me. TheMarkus1204 said: And even more issues... Compendium Sharing still does not work with the new compendium... Starr Saphyre said: Riley, We're still having compendium issues. If you search things in the compendium, they WILL show up now, but they always show up with the subheader instead of the core search, or aren't searching at all. To illustrate, go to the 5E Compendium and try searching Half-Orc (the Rolltable for names shows up, but not the race entry so it could be dragged onto a sheet) or Half-Elf (which IS click-and-draggable, but which shows up in the compendium as "Half-Elf: Half-Elf Names" rather than just Half-Elf.) It's confusing the hell out of my players.
Do you own the books yourself and share it with your players or is it the other way round? The bug is, that I cannot access a compendium shared with me when "new compendium" is enabled... If I own the books myself, it works as expected... Starr Saphyre said: I don't experience this. Compendium Sharing is working just fine for me. TheMarkus1204 said: And even more issues... Compendium Sharing still does not work with the new compendium... Starr Saphyre said: Riley, We're still having compendium issues. If you search things in the compendium, they WILL show up now, but they always show up with the subheader instead of the core search, or aren't searching at all. To illustrate, go to the 5E Compendium and try searching Half-Orc (the Rolltable for names shows up, but not the race entry so it could be dragged onto a sheet) or Half-Elf (which IS click-and-draggable, but which shows up in the compendium as "Half-Elf: Half-Elf Names" rather than just Half-Elf.) It's confusing the hell out of my players.

Edited 1706803358
Tom said: Jay said: Please let the drawing tool use a regular mouse cursor. Trying to use the new pen tool to draw dynamic lighting walls has become way more difficult, the pen-styled cursor isn't precise at all. I also agree with KyberPunk, showing what layer you're on all the time is unnecessary and clutters up the screen. It's another thing I wish was optional for those of us who don't want it. I'll second this as the new "nib" is really pretty bad for detail as well as general work!!! A step backwards in fact Tom They've still not changed it. The new cursors make drawing dynamic lighting lines harder than it used to be. There should be an option to toggle them back to the default pointer. Also, the measurement tool still shows "sq." units even if you're not using a grid or square measurements, which clutters it up. I think there should be an option to get rid of squares from measurements completely.
Riley D. said: Hey folks! We put out a small update today that should help fix something that's been a little annoying. Now the Measure Tool will remember its last state whenever you switch tools and come back to it. So if you've hidden the Measure Tool settings, then select and move a token, you can come back to the Measure Tool and keep measuring without having the settings box get in the way. Thanks! Thank you for this change - it was super annoying having to hide the pop-up box every time. -Adam
I own the books and share them with my players. But they are using New Compendium and not having any issues accessing them. TheMarkus1204 said: Do you own the books yourself and share it with your players or is it the other way round? The bug is, that I cannot access a compendium shared with me when "new compendium" is enabled... If I own the books myself, it works as expected... Starr Saphyre said: I don't experience this. Compendium Sharing is working just fine for me. TheMarkus1204 said: And even more issues... Compendium Sharing still does not work with the new compendium... Starr Saphyre said: Riley, We're still having compendium issues. If you search things in the compendium, they WILL show up now, but they always show up with the subheader instead of the core search, or aren't searching at all. To illustrate, go to the 5E Compendium and try searching Half-Orc (the Rolltable for names shows up, but not the race entry so it could be dragged onto a sheet) or Half-Elf (which IS click-and-draggable, but which shows up in the compendium as "Half-Elf: Half-Elf Names" rather than just Half-Elf.) It's confusing the hell out of my players.
Whar happened to the new pages toolbar? Was working fine last night. Logged in this morning and pages toolbar reverted back to previous version.&nbsp;
Jeff B. said: Whar happened to the new pages toolbar? Was working fine last night. Logged in this morning and pages toolbar reverted back to previous version.&nbsp; Are Beta Features turned on?
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Hi Jeff, To expanded on Markus' solution (which is almost certainly the case), that setting is stored in a browser cookie. If for any reason you clear your cookies, or that cookie is lost, the setting goes back to the default.

Edited 1706984915
keithcurtis said: Hi Jeff, To expanded on Markus' solution (which is almost certainly the case), that setting is stored in a browser cookie. If for any reason you clear your cookies, or that cookie is lost, the setting goes back to the default. Entered a campaign a few minutes ago only to see the Map selection button was gone! Had to DISABLE Beta Features and turn them back on to get the Map Folder Feature back as the button was straight up MISSING!!!
Hey folks! We rolled out another quick update today based on some of your feedback: - The cursor icon for the Freehand and Polygon drawing tools has been changed to the crosshair instead of the custom icons for those tools. Should hopefully make&nbsp; it easier to precisely draw where you want. - We fixed a bug where sometimes Measurement Tool artifacts (like little waypoints) were getting stuck if you stopped doing a Measurement partway through the process. - We've re-added the header and footer links in Compendium pages that you access in the VTT (so for example you can switch between different sources for pages that have similar content in multiple source books). - Not related specifically to the New Toolbar or Compendium, but on the Game Settings page outside of the VTT, you should no longer receive an "unsaved changes" warning when navigating away from the page, and if you click the Save Changes button you'll be auto-redirected back to the Game Details page. In addition, some parts of that page that were untranslated will now support localization. Thanks!
Riley D. said: Hey folks! We rolled out another quick update today based on some of your feedback: - The cursor icon for the Freehand and Polygon drawing tools has been changed to the crosshair instead of the custom icons for those tools. Should hopefully make&nbsp; it easier to precisely draw where you want. I tried it out just now, and it's much, much better. Thanks for that!
Riley D. said: Hey folks! We rolled out another quick update today based on some of your feedback: - The cursor icon for the Freehand and Polygon drawing tools has been changed to the crosshair instead of the custom icons for those tools. Should hopefully make&nbsp; it easier to precisely draw where you want. Yes&nbsp; !!!!!!
One Question: Will there EVER be an update regarding Dark Mode Sidebar and Menus while the rest of the VTT is in Light mode?! Riley D. said: Hey folks! We rolled out another quick update today based on some of your feedback: - The cursor icon for the Freehand and Polygon drawing tools has been changed to the crosshair instead of the custom icons for those tools. Should hopefully make&nbsp; it easier to precisely draw where you want. - We fixed a bug where sometimes Measurement Tool artifacts (like little waypoints) were getting stuck if you stopped doing a Measurement partway through the process. - We've re-added the header and footer links in Compendium pages that you access in the VTT (so for example you can switch between different sources for pages that have similar content in multiple source books). - Not related specifically to the New Toolbar or Compendium, but on the Game Settings page outside of the VTT, you should no longer receive an "unsaved changes" warning when navigating away from the page, and if you click the Save Changes button you'll be auto-redirected back to the Game Details page. In addition, some parts of that page that were untranslated will now support localization. Thanks!