Hi, Why is this, and is there any Best Practices, or Fix for this? I somewhat understand that different OS render emotes differently, and some emoji are better cross-platform than others, and that a missing emoji may be replaced with a generic square / rectangle symbol. In my case, both examples are the same Chrome Browser, both on a Mac (they look like Mac emotes to me, and they look a little different when opened on a Windows Chrome browser). In my case also, most/all of my group's emoji useage is coming through Mod Scripts (API), either ColorEmote, or MoTD Message Of The Day, or a couple other custom scripts I have. These ones are rendered perfectly as-expected in Roll20 chat window. ๐ The problem is when I open the Chat Archive, now the emotes are just generic squares. ๐ Roll20 Chat Window example with Emotes Roll20 Chat Archive example with broken emotes. Thanks in advance for any tips or feedback. Will there be The Aaron here soon with a good explanation I can understand? Or keithcurtis or Gauss?