I have built a guide to creating Roll20 sheets over here: <a href="https://cybersphere.me/roll20-sheet-author-master-list/" rel="nofollow">https://cybersphere.me/roll20-sheet-author-master-list/</a> I'm looking for my next big Roll20 project, and asking for comments. I'm not getting paid, so I'll do what I want :) but I'm curious what people want. Here's a guide to things I'm thinking about. What should be first in your opinion (or would you like me to try something else)? The Universal Character Sheet: The roll20 forums get a a lot of requests for sheets of various games. A long time ago someone suggested a System-Agnostic sheet and then abandoned it. I've talked about creating such a sheet and raised it with the Roll20 devs and got permission. If I create this, it will be probably the biggest project you could imagine, taking many months. But the idea is to create a sheet that will cope with almost any game system. It won't be as good as a sheet dedicated to a given system, but will provide a way for people to quickly get started with any game. Universal Chat Menus : My most successful script is in dire need of an overhaul and upgrade. It works (for Pro Users only) but there are some edge cases it needs to handle better, and the syntax needs upgrading. These are not simple changes, and likely need a complete rewrite. Versionator: One feature that should need less work is a system for handling changes to active character sheets - a version change system. There are ways to do this already, but everyone has to come up with their own solution, and sometimes very serious errors are made. A simple drop-in function with good documentation might make a big difference here. One goal of all my tools is their ease of use, and I'd like to bring that to a version change system. repeatingSum : Probably my most successful creation overall, which grants the ability to very easily perform various calculations with repeating sections. It has a few drawbacks though, and the syntax isn't the best, so it could possibly do with a rewrite. Multiversal Sheet Worker: A long time ago, I created the Multiversal Sheet Worker system for quickly adding sheet workers to a character sheet with little work. See the comments in that thread from Wes . For coding novices, this is already an amazing tool, but needs some major improvements. Torg Eternity community Sheet : I created the Torg Eternity sheet, but it is not finished. Also the custom roll parsing system was introduced after I wrote the sheet, and the game's very complex roll system would really benefit from that. Pendragon Universal Sheet: The King Arthur Pendragon system is one of my favourite games. The 6th edition just came out, but previous editions are still being used, and even within an edition people might use different systems (3rd-5th have at least 3 different battle systems and just as many land holding systems, all of which are important to play). I have a sheet for personal use that handles all these things for 3rd to 5th edition, in a very clunky way, and which does some things the current sheets don't. But I'd like to streamline and universalise it even more - make it good for 1st though 6th edition, and handle a variety of house rules (like my incredibly simple Roll Up Dice system , and variant ideals ), and of course make it available for anyone who wants to use it. Sheet Templating Guide : A guide to automating the creation of a roll20 character sheet. There's a lot of code that is very similar and could be simplified. Templating programs exist to do this (and Scott's k-scoffold using PUG is a great way to do this if you are ready to learn a new syntax). I might create a guide for templating. The numbers aren't a priority list (though I am probably tending to #1 most, though it's probably the most demanding project), but are just easier for you to refer to them.