Hope the community finds this helpful. I added a token action named "GM-Only-Initialize" to the compendium Aberrant Spirit character sheet that will set all stats according to the caster's stats and spell's level.  It requires ChatSetAttr and TokenMod in the API mod library. !token-mod --ids -NpSMdrUrmxEr9EZww0B --set bar1|[[40+10*(?{SpellLevel}-4)]] !setattr --charid -NosyPv20m7fYF7fM-3G --npc_ac|[[11+?{SpellLevel}]] !setattr --charid -NosyPv20m7fYF7fM-3G --npc_ac|[[11+?{SpellLevel}]] !setattr --charid -NosyPv20m7fYF7fM-3G --repeating_npcaction_$0_description|The aberrant spirit makes [[floor(?{SpellLevel}/2)]] attacks. !setattr --charid -NosyPv20m7fYF7fM-3G --repeating_npcaction_$1_attack_tohit|@{target|spell_attack_bonus} !setattr --charid -NosyPv20m7fYF7fM-3G --repeating_npcaction_$2_attack_tohit|@{target|spell_attack_bonus} !setattr --charid -NosyPv20m7fYF7fM-3G --repeating_npcaction_$3_attack_tohit|@{target|spell_attack_bonus} !setattr --charid -NosyPv20m7fYF7fM-3G --repeating_npcaction_$1_attack_damage|1d10+[[3+?{SpellLevel}]] !setattr --charid -NosyPv20m7fYF7fM-3G --repeating_npcaction_$2_attack_damage|1d8+[[3+?{SpellLevel}]] !setattr --charid -NosyPv20m7fYF7fM-3G --repeating_npcaction_$3_attack_damage|1d8+[[3+?{SpellLevel}]] You must, of course, replace the token and character IDs with those pertaining to the particular aberrant spirit in your game.  This script will help you discover that information (pretty sure I borrowed this from some one else whom I've forgotten and can't credit -- apologies original author!): /w gm &{template:default} {{name=**Character & Token ID**}} {{Name=@{selected|character_name} }}  {{**Character ID**= @{selected|character_id} }} {{**Token ID**= @{selected|token_id} }} Note: you can only have one Aberrant Spirit token on the map (unless your aberrant spirit has a unique ID).