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Select Tool + Map Layer + Drawn Circles = Lag Generator?


Edited 1706686308
Alright, so not really sure what's going on but there's a particular combo which seems to be causing issues and I want to see if it's just me; Scrolling while using specifically the Select Tool on the Map Layer, when there are a number of drawings on the Map Layer. Not really sure why, but this particular combination of factors seems to generate a large amount of lag; bizarrely selecting any other tool, any other layer, or not having the drawings present on the layer seem to all factor into this. It's particularly noticeable when using click-and-drag movement to pan the screen. I've not really done rigorous testing on whether if this happens on other layers if there's enough drawings, as I mostly noticed it while setting up a bubble map using the drawn circle tool. If you want to recreate the conditions then the map setup was; Map Size: 50x50 Square Grid. Draw Tool: 6x6 Square Grid of Large Line-Width Circles in a grid with a 2-Square spacing from the map edge and each other. With that setup it should trigger the lag with the select tool and map layer selected. Pan around with the right-click and drag method to see the most amount of lag, it's still slightly present when using the scroll wheel but it's much less noticeable. While I'm not sure if it's a factor, I do have Beta-Features enabled on my end. You can see how switching layer, or even just switching to (for example) the draw tool will negate whatever is causing the lag. Not sure if it's related or not, but it also seems to no longer be possible to select circles drawn with the new drawing tool when using the select tool to click-and-drag a box over the drawings, curiously it seems to be the case that old circle drawings made with the pre-update draw tool can be selected in this fashion. While this could be a separate issue, I figured it worth bringing up; since I noticed that my older bubble maps do not have the lag issue in cases where the circles were drawn using the old version of the draw tool. Oh, and I guess since it's a potential factor; I'm using Firefox as my Web Browser. Anyway, a bit of a weird one and likely some stray noodle of code acting weirdly causing it if it's re-creatable, but thought it was worth a mention.
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Hi Dio! If you can provide a screen shot of the layout that's causing lag, I'll try to duplicate (though it will be on a Mac, so I'm not sure how accurate a test it will be.)
Sorry for the delayed reply, was working on maps in the meantime. I took a moment to set up what I had when I noticed the phenomenon, though it's likely not specific to this arrangement - this is just a stock arrangement I use when setting down a baseline for my more quick-fire bubble-maps and it's likely the most easily re-creatable setup for the effect to kick-in. As you can see, it's just a simple 50x50 Grid with 6x6 Circles spaced every 2 squares on the map layer, nothing fancy. However once I pick the select tool on the map layer it suddenly will lag while panning the camera. Oddly it'll not have the issue if I have anything other than the select tool or the map layer selected. I considered it an oddity when I found it since I'm on a fairly strong machine and I've never had issues with this sort of arrangement in the past.
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Hi Dio! I recreated the grid as shown. Here's a video of what I am seeing. There is some redraw lag, but it's the sort of lag I expect from Roll20 in general (i.e. screen refresh-irrespective of what is on screen). Is this what you are seeing, or significantly worse? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Your video displays about what I have without the glitch in effect; a very minimal if at-all effect on performance and about what I'd expect for normal use. What I get when the glitch is in effect is significantly worse; easily down to like 3~5 frames per second while panning using the select tool on the map layer. It's nowhere near as smooth movement by comparison and is distinctly noticeable due to the choppiness involved. Since you noted you were a Mac user I guess I should note I'm using Windows 11, considering the specificity of the glitch otherwise I'd not be too surprised if that somehow was a factor.
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Yeah, this kind of stuff is hard to diagnose. My suggestion is next time you suffer the lag, grab a&nbsp; Console Log ( Chrome , Firefox ), and file a&nbsp; Help Center Request . When it comes to stuff like this, I'm just another user. The devs might have better ideas.

Edited 1706785655
Roger that, I'm a little busy tonight but I'll likely look into that tomorrow. Edit: Help Request Sent with Console Log.