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Roll 20's Paizo ongoing product list for 2024 so far

February 05 (1 year ago)
"Per earlier posts, here is the bare minimum of Paizo releases that we have planned for the next few months:


(PF1e) Return of the Runelords AP 4 of 6 - Temple of the Peacock Spirit


(PF1e) Return of the Runelords AP 5 of 6 - The City Outside of Time


(PF1e) Return of the Runelords AP 6 of 6 - Rise of New Thassilon

(PF2e) Pathfinder Monster Core

(PF2e) Seven Dooms for Sandpoint


(PF1e) Return of the Runelords APs 1, 2, and 3 (updates)

Return of the Runelords is something that previous folks at Roll20 never finished and the current team was passionate about getting back to so as not to permanently leave folks on the hook halfway through the AP. So we are releasing 4,5 and 6 and then also returning to the Roll20 implemenations of 1,2,3 and updating them to include support for all new Roll20 features that have come out since those were originally released (e.g. Page Folders). Previous purchasers of 1, 2, and 3 will get the updated version for free of course.

We are currently juggling a couple options for SF 1e support so I cannot yet report the schedule for that.
There could also be more additions to the schedule of PF releases above, and we will announce those once we can confirm them.


From the Roll20 team

This when I asked specifically for Roll20 to keep us informed of what they will carry, took a while but we got something :)

A bit surprised but understand the Return of the Runlords as it does Roll20's rep no credit for leaving half finished off AP's on the market place, and some still play PF I.

7 Dooms for Sandpoint is very nice to have and I bet will do well

Monster core was a given, LOL


February 05 (1 year ago)

Edited February 05 (1 year ago)

What else is in the pipes not announced yet from Paizo (Through GENCON)


**Wardens of the Wildwood AP Module 1 / Pactbreaker / 3 Part AP Levels 5-15

"Though they arrived as guests, the PCs are soon deputized as part-time guards for the annual Greenwood Gala, a convention for primal-tradition powerbrokers and a festival associated with the Green Faith. After entering competitions, making connections, and shutting down troublemakers, they earn a privileged seat at the ceremony renewing the Treaty of the Wildwood—a ceremony ruined when saboteurs assassinate several of the Verduran Forest’s eminent leaders. This is the final insult many forest dwellers needed; as vigilantes and militias of arboreals, fey, and beasts mobilize to punish Andoran and Taldor, the PCs must avert bloodshed and maintain order long enough for the Wildwood Lodge to choose a new leader and restore peace.

Pactbreaker is a wilderness-themed Pathfinder adventure for four 5th-level characters. The adventure begins the Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which a group of adventurers navigate a tricky balance between idyllic wilderness, a hungry nation, and primal forces beyond the natural world. This volume also includes a look at the Verduran Forest, an ecology of the sentient treelike arboreals, several new magical items to discover, and new dangerous and new dangerous monsters to test your PCs!"

Looks interesting but we need more info on this honestly and has the Howl of the Wildwood tie in to really flesh things out


*Tian Xia World Guide (Lore Book)

"Dragons once served as the stewards of this land, commanded by Heavenly decree. Can you live up to their lofty expectations, or will you flounder and fail like countless kingdoms before you? Prophecy is dead and history hangs on a feather; even the slightest breath might change the course of peoples and nations. Strike out and seize your destiny in an uncertain future!

This massive 304-page gazetteer features a look at the history, cultures, and peoples of Tian Xia, with summaries of over 20 distinct nations and kingdoms on, above, and under the continent. It’s accompanied by a giant poster map displaying this region of the Pathfinder setting in beautiful detail."

It would be nice but since we don't have season of ghosts AP on Roll20 it will be of limited use to most.



*****Starfinder 1st Ed / Meckageddon AP / Level 3-18

"On a rugged planet crawling with colossi—terrifying kaiju that demolish cities with fearsome power—courageous mech pilots battle monsters to protect the world’s people. As the war for control of planet Daimalko rages on, a mysterious third power plots to use an ancient artifact to purge the planet of all life. It’s time for Daimalko’s defenders to suit up against a new threat!

This 184-page hardcover campaign tells the story of rookie mech pilots on Daimalko, starting out as city defenders and venturing to the stars as the heroes become galactic celebrities. This epic campaign spans levels 3 to 18 and features new mechs, bonus adventures designed to slot into the campaign as interludes or stand on their own as one-shots, mech-sized maps, and more. Mechageddon! is an exciting introduction to mech combat and the Starfinder RPG, packed with adventure content and new rules you can use to build the ultimate mech campaign!"

THEE last product we will ever see of Starfinder 1st ed, and in my opinion a MUST HAVE!!, 

Please throw us a bone Roll20 and get this here as you have been quite lacking in Starfinder AP's (and more than a few rule books COUGH COUGH Armory anyone....).  Which in turn makes this system way less popular and played to date, just like not having Pf 2's  first AP Age of Ashes up at PF II's release.  Which in turn gave the new Foundry VTT (at that time) to take the lead in PF II AP, as well as not having a lot of PF II GM's and players on here to stay, yep the good old snowball effect in FULL effect (Yep and the bad PF II Playtest module made a LOT of potential players just bouce right off this)  Rant over...... :)

And will pave the way (hopefully) for the SF II playtest and official release you are going to carry, right???

PS need to fix the mech sheet as well for this please......


*****Howl of The Wild (Character guide type book)

"A sound echoes across the world’s farthest wildernesses: the howl of countless animals and beasts! This all-new 224-page Pathfinder rulebook dives deep into the wilderness like never before! With new ancestries, character options, animal companions, wilderness foes and more, Howl of the Wild provides a traveler’s pack worth of value for players and Game Masters alike!

Join a bumbling naturalist and an eccentric crew as they cross continents in their fantastic airship, searching for four legendary beasts. Along the expedition, you’ll find…

  • Six playable new ancestries to bring PCs' wildest characters to life: strong minotaurs, swift centaurs, magical merfolk, amphibious athamarus, animals awakened to consciousness, and insectile, metamorphic surkis!
  • Archetypes, spells, and other player options inspired by nature, from additional options for shapeshifting druids to playable werecreatures to archetypes that let you fight with claw, tail, or wing.
  • New animal companions, weapons and armor forged from the scales and fangs of magical beasts, and all the gear you need out in the field!
  • A menagerie of Golarion’s animals and beasts for GMs to unleash on players, covering animals like dinosaurs and sharks, expansions on classic monsters like chimeras and griffons, and never-before-seen creatures like the transparent sky fisher, the potion-brewing apothecary bee, and the extradimensional rift chameleon.
  • All rules optimized for the remastered Pathfinder Second Edition game!"

Another must have as it meshs well with Wardens of the Wildwood AP, and even if you don't carry that a LOT of player options for almost anyone in general/


**Wardens of the Wildwood Module 2 / Severed at the Root

"Under surprising new leadership, the Wildwood Lodge begins a campaign of violence. Shocked, the PCs and their allies form a new lodge in exile to oppose this new regime. As they recruit new friends to their cause, the PCs must deny the Wildwood Lodge a powerful relic created by the renegade druid Ghorus, all while investigating the strange, primal magic the Wildwood Lodge has uncovered. If the PCs are to prevail, they will need to track down one of the Verduran Forest’s most dangerous inhabitants and convince her to aid their cause—or ensure she cannot aid their enemy.

Severed at the Root is a wilderness-themed Pathfinder adventure for four 8th-level characters. The adventure continues the Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which a group of adventurers navigate a tricky balance between idyllic wilderness, a hungry nation, and primal forces beyond the natural world. This volume also includes a look at manifestations of the Plane of Wood, an ecology of the godlike green men, several new magical items, and new monstrous threats!"

Again I'd need more info but it sounds interesting, and has the Howl of the Wildwood tie in to really flesh things out


February 05 (1 year ago)

Edited February 05 (1 year ago)


**Wardens of the Wildwood Module 3 / Shepherd of Decay

"Having neutralized the enemy’s new weapons, the PCs and their allies assault the Wildwood Lodge directly to oust its murderous despot. Yet after recruiting local allies and besieging living fortresses, they discover their foe has fled to an unfamiliar realm: the Plane of Wood. The PCs pursue, arriving in an elemental town that is all too familiar with the Wildwood Lodge’s trickery. The PCs must earn the inhabitants’ trust and investigate their foe’s final gambit before giving chase into a blighted wilderness and averting an invasion that could devastate the Verduran Forest.

Shepherd of Decay is a wilderness-themed Pathfinder adventure for four 11th-level characters. The adventure concludes the Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which a group of adventurers navigate a tricky balance between idyllic wilderness, a hungry nation, and primal forces beyond the natural world. This volume also includes a look at how to continue the campaign, a gazetteer of a settlement on the Plane of Wood, several new magical items, and new monstrous threats!"

Again interesting but need more info and the tie in book as well.

Then we get to the big month


February 05 (1 year ago)

Edited February 05 (1 year ago)

End of July just before GENCON releases

Pathfinder 2nd Ed first

***Curtain Call AP 3 parter,  levels 11-20

"Rumors abound that an old enemy, a dangerous foe you defeated at the culmination of your first huge adventure, has come back. Yet confronting your old nemesis once again is only the beginning of what's next for your group, for a famous director has singled you out as the subject of her newest opera. How dangerous could it be, helping to produce an extravaganza based on your own heroic legacy?

Stage Fright is a Pathfinder adventure for four 11th-level characters. This adventure begins the Curtain Call Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which a group of adventurers help to produce an opera based on their own prior adventures while simultaneously facing a new threat that only the most powerful of heroes can stop. This adventure also includes information about theatrical traditions of Golarion as well as an entire potential cast of diverse actors to help bring the new opera to life, several new magical items to discover and operatic abilities to master, and several new monsters from the whimsical to the truly horrific."

QUITE curious on this one, not for everyone but I think worth taking a hard look at for something different!!


*****Prey for Death , a stand alone evil type adventure featuring the new Remastered red Mantis archtype Level 14- 18??

"The infamous Red Mantis assassins are feared throughout the world for their ruthlessness and legacy—those they slay stay dead! Yet they are not without honor, so when a group of assassins sent on a dangerous mission are met with unexpected treachery, they must clear their own names while remaining true to their murderous calling, even as greater plots and shocking truths reveal themselves.

Prey for Death is a deluxe hardcover Pathfinder Second Edition adventure for 14th level characters, and gives players the chance to play members of the world's most notorious assassin's guild. The adventure also includes new items, lore, and character backgrounds, as well as a several powerful monsters ready to threaten high level characters!"

A bit biased here as I LOVE this archtype, Paizo can usually pull off an evil type adventure and it will be quite different than the usual Paizo adventure, though that might be saying a lot as Season of ghosts and Curtain Call are not the normal either!!


Player Core 2  

  • "Eight fully detailed classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, champion, investigator, monk, oracle, sorcerer, and swashbuckler, each containing multiple character paths, multiclassing options, and dozens of feats!
  • Expanded ancestry options include the catfolk, gnoll, hobgoblin, kobold, lizardfolk, ratfolk, and tengu, alongside three versatile heritages—the dhampir, duskwalker, and an all-new heritage debuting in this volume!
  • More than 40 archetypes, allowing you to further customize your character’s story and abilities. Turn your hero into an aerial acrobat, a high-riding cavalier, a treacherous pirate, and so much more!
  • Spells, alchemical items, and magic items to round out the new classes and to provide some new tricks to the classes from Pathfinder Player Core.
  • Fully integrated errata from the first 4 years of Pathfinder Second Edition, including a revised alchemist, champion, and oracle!
  • Published under the new Open RPG Creative (ORC) license, giving players and Game Masters even more freedom for making their own creations based on Pathfinder Second Edition."

this is a GIVEN me thinks Ha Ha Ha, can't wait!!


February 05 (1 year ago)

Edited February 05 (1 year ago)

Starfinder 2nd Ed

*****Starfinder 2nd Ed  Playtest Rulebook

"The Starfinder Playtest Rulebook brings Starfinder into a new age of compatibility, as Starfinder switches to using the same rules engine that powers the popular Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Inside this playtest for the new edition, you’ll find six new classes, 10 ancestries, new skills, new feats, futuristic equipment including augmentations and upgrades, new science-fantasy spells, and more!

You can directly shape the future of Starfinder by participating in a fun and rigorous playtest using one of several playtest adventures released throughout the playest period, or by trying out the new rules in your own games. If you’ve ever wanted to fire a gatling gun into a horde of onrushing aliens while laughing menacingly, battle robots in a derelict starship as a solar knight, or hack computer systems with plants as a mystical xenodruid, then the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook has you covered!

This 264-page softcover playtest rulebook is packed with new content that lets you build a science-fantasy character from level 1 to 20. Create a character to participate in the Starfinder Playtest or see how this new content might work in your Pathfinder campaign. The future is yours to shape! (You’ll need a copy of Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core to use this product.)"

YEP, a MUST HAVE here please Roll20, and it will be based off the Pathfinder 2nd Ed rule set, should make things a lot easier!!


*****Starfinder 2nd Ed Playtest Adventure A Cosmic Birthday / Level 1 -??

"A nascent cosmic entity stirs deep within one of the Pact Worlds planets. To aid the god’s birth, its most devoted followers search the Ghost Levels of Absalom Station for a sufficient power source—a strange pocket dimension existing alongside the hub of the Pact Worlds. As the entity’s emergence sends ripples across space time, a group of heroes becomes trapped in the Ghost Levels! With dangerous creatures and ominous power surges threatening the station, the heroes must team up with the residents of Little Akiton to investigate these horrifying new foes, stop their meddling—and stay alive!

A Cosmic Birthday is a complete Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure for 1st-level characters written by Jenny Jarzabski, and features fan-favorite Starfinder creatures updated to Second Edition, all-new cosmic horrors, and a mix of classic dungeon crawling and narrative-rich sandbox adventures. This adventure is designed to introduce the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest rules, giving players like you a chance to shape the new edition through feedback surveys about your playtest experience! It also takes place during a pivotal moment in Starfinder history—even if you miss the playtest window, you won’t want to miss the adventure!"

Yep, gotta have this and hopefully learn for the PF II playtest on how to NOT do playtest adventures.......


Starfinder 2nd Ed Playtest Adventure Empires  Devoured / Nothing else known, even the release date yet.  But betting this will be for higher level play!!


Last but not least

Starfinder 2nd Ed Playtest Multiple flip Map Pack

Given if Roll20 pulls the trigger on the SF II playtest and I REALLY hope so


February 05 (1 year ago)

Edited February 05 (1 year ago)


Unknown Module 2 for Curtain Fall AP for PF 2


*****Tian Xia Character Guide

"The boundless continent of Tian Xia features innumerable peoples, each with their own rich history and practices. Bring your character to life with this 136-page guidebook crammed full of everything a player might need to build a hero hailing from or journeying through these vast lands, including:

  • Six new ancestries, including the reincarnating samsaran, trickster tanuki, and shadowy wayang, as well as Tian-inspired additional feats and heritages for existing ancestries, like the peachchild leshy, bakuwa lizardfolk, and gandharva sprite!
  • Feats inspired by Tian Xia’s diverse arts and practices, from new elemental medicine to alchemically fortified cuisine to how the zodiac can guide your character’s path.
  • Spectacular magical and martial techniques to vanquish the toughest opponents, whether that's through weightless sword arts or by borrowing the ancient power of magical familiars.
  • Dazzling new magic items and weapons to forge or find, from the subtle kotodama whistle to legendary artifacts like the staff of Sun Wukong."

Though we don't have Season of Ghosts AP on Roll20 I think a lot of regular playes will get a lot of use out of this in my humble opinion


February 05 (1 year ago)

Edited February 05 (1 year ago)

So these are my thoughts and wants for Roll20, what is yours and what other things Paizo related would you want Roll20 to bring to us?

Thanks for reading!!



I'd also like some map makers to maybe make some maps for the PF II AP's not currently here in some sort of form, shape or way :)  Pathfinder Infinate did some for Kingmaker and not to bad, so maybe have some in the marketplace for other AP's not on Roll20 would save a lot of GM's time I think

February 05 (1 year ago)

Freakin agree'd... if I atleast had the maps fully dynamic lighted i'd be more keen to run Seasons of Ghosts...kinda strange seeing how popular the AP is that its not on here though tbh...sadly PF 2E seems decently ignored on here which is a shame.

February 06 (1 year ago)
Roll20 Team

Thanks Tom! Love the insights. Consider this HEARD.

And between you and me, Season of Ghosts might not have released day-and-date, but I wouldn't count it out of the cards just yet for a Roll20 VTT conversion.

February 06 (1 year ago)

Nathan M. said:

Freakin agree'd... if I atleast had the maps fully dynamic lighted i'd be more keen to run Seasons of Ghosts...kinda strange seeing how popular the AP is that its not on here though tbh...sadly PF 2E seems decently ignored on here which is a shame.

Hunh? You might need to look around this site a little more.

February 06 (1 year ago)
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator

My group plays DnD 3.5E & Pathfinder 1E, as well as DnD 5E, so I'll be grabbing Return of the Runelords for sure. We're currently enjoying Rise of the Runelords in PF 1E :-)

February 07 (1 year ago)

Todd said:

Thanks Tom! Love the insights. Consider this HEARD.

And between you and me, Season of Ghosts might not have released day-and-date, but I wouldn't count it out of the cards just yet for a Roll20 VTT conversion.

Thanks for the look see and post!!

Season of Ghosts is'nt for everyone with its RP heavy focus on mostly 1 small village in a 4 part AP.  But quite good and one can always add on encounters to spice it up as well.  So good to hear all is not lost for SoG.

Of the AP's not here yet

Age Of Ashes

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix

Outlaws of Alchenstar



Skykings Tomb

Age of Ashes in my humble opinion is STILL thee best AP for PF 2 to date, as it hits so many different tropes and areas, I'd highly advise to try and get that one in!!

And hoping for news on the SF II playtest front one way or the other


February 08 (1 year ago)

Thanks for this thread Tom!

February 08 (1 year ago)

No prob Jariath, so what do you wanna see of Paizo products on here?? :)


February 08 (1 year ago)

Age of Ashes in my humble opinion is STILL thee best AP for PF 2 to date, as it hits so many different tropes and areas, I'd highly advise to try and get that one in!!

I'm in the middle of playing this right now and I'm definitely enjoying it.

It also has some issues as it was written very early in the PF2e lifecycle. There are DCs that are not updated by level, there are some skill challenges that are, let's say, clunky at best. It would be nice to have this on Roll20, but a GM should be aware that they might have to do some significant tinkering.

February 08 (1 year ago)
Jacob R.

Wow I really really love the PF1 content. That is beyond amazing. Any chance we get more of that? If you for example look at Fantasy Grounds they have sooo much PF1 content it makes me dizzy. But we like Roll20 way more.....

February 09 (1 year ago)

I want to see all core and setting stuff for PF2 as day 1 releases.I was very happy to see Seven Dooms will be supported. I would also love to see them start filling in the Society stuff for PF2, that would be a fantastic point for players to drop in with less long term commitment.

February 10 (1 year ago)

Would love to see Season of Ghosts supported. Dovetails well with the 2 splat books coming out.

April 01 (10 months ago)

Was hoping for some update after the first one but nothing still, lets not go back to the same thing Roll20 does and is known for now please........


April 21 (9 months ago)

Dr DM said:

Age of Ashes in my humble opinion is STILL thee best AP for PF 2 to date, as it hits so many different tropes and areas, I'd highly advise to try and get that one in!!

I'm in the middle of playing this right now and I'm definitely enjoying it.

It also has some issues as it was written very early in the PF2e lifecycle. There are DCs that are not updated by level, there are some skill challenges that are, let's say, clunky at best. It would be nice to have this on Roll20, but a GM should be aware that they might have to do some significant tinkering.

Honestly gonna disagree I ran it RAW ...its just a difficult AP as honestly it should be it was designed to be in fact. Don't really see the issue other than some Skills are listed incorrectly but even SoT has that fact several do lmfao XD... anyway I hear this from time to time but its just not even 100% true I "tinkered" nothing. If players dont want a challenging AP then dont run it.

April 21 (9 months ago)

My point was that we found some parts not challenging enough, which was why I brought up skill DCs.

The skill challenge problems are not that they are difficult, it's that they are boring. They seem to be designed to be strung together in a manner that will not be organic to many if not most groups.

May 09 (9 months ago)

Howl of the Wild Pre-order has been up for a little bit now, but not Tian Xa, the Lost Omen line is still missing quite a bit unless I missed something. Is there any more updates coming? 

May 15 (9 months ago)

Edited May 15 (9 months ago)

Nothing of note yet sadly but nice to have the stuff in Howl

UPDATE on some products

Prey for Death and Curtain call will touch on War of the Immortals event.

Triumph of the Tusk will be the new Mythic? 3 part AP for said war street date for the first module October, Level 3-13

"For ages, the orcs of Belkzen have been marginalized, subjugated, and vilified, relegated to the rocky northern wastes. Yet in recent battles waged against their undead nemeses, orcs showed the world that they have a common enemy—the evil lich-lord known as the Whispering Tyrant. Now, openminded leaders like Ardax the White-Hair have initiated a grand diplomatic campaign to bury old grudges and forge alliances across the continent. There are few takers.

In the Triumph of the Tusk Adventure Path, the PCs are dignitaries representing the few orc communities or foreign organizations who answered Ardax’s call. Their mission of peace soon turns violent when supernatural weather disasters, betrayals, undead uprisings, and even deicide turn the orcs’ homeland into a desperate battlefield. With the PCs’ help, Belkzen won’t just survive, but will earn the respect it has always deserved!

The Resurrection Flood is an orc-focused Pathfinder adventure for four 3rd-level characters. The adventure begins the Triumph of the Tusk Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which an eclectic band of dignitaries become battle-hardened survivalists fighting for orcs’ homeland and independence. This volume includes an overview of orc culture, an exploration of the Flood Truce tradition, new magical items, and fearsome creatures that wander the wilds!"

War of the Immortals will be the Mythic rules book also out in October

"A god has been slain and nothing shall ever be the same again! As war and destruction spread across the world, new heroes must rise to the occasion and take arms to protect its mortal inhabitants. Two brand new classes provide new ways to engage with mythic themes—lay claim to your own spark of divinity and charge into battle as a mighty exemplar, or call upon the power of spiritual allies as a wise animist. Alongside these new classes are rules for running mythic games, archetypes for playing legendary characters, and a wide array of new items, spells, and monsters to tell stories straight out of myth and legend—but which fit perfectly into the remastered Pathfinder rules! Claim the power of the gods and battle the Universe’s most fearsome foes with War of Immortals!

The ideal resource for players and GMs looking to take a legendary step beyond the core rules, Pathfinder War of Immortals includes:

  • Two new classes, the spiritual animist and the deific exemplar
  • New feats and lineages for nephilim characters
  • 5 new class archetypes including the avenger rogue archetype and the bloodrager barbarian archetype
  • Rules for mythic play
  • 9 mythic destinies, including the fearsome apocalypse rider and the undying eternal legend
  • New weapons, items, and spells for mythic characters
  • 8 terrifying new mythic monsters and rules for creating mythic threats of your own!"

Then in November we will get a Remastered Gods book Divine Mysteries

"The influence of all-powerful deities is felt in every corner of the Lost Omens setting. Whether you're a valorous champion calling the righteous power of your patron down upon wicked foes or a sneaky rogue asking the god of thievery for a blessing on your next heist, faith and the forces behind it are key to every character's identity. Within this volume, you'll find details on the gods and non-deific faiths of the Age of Lost Omens from the perspective of their clergy and lay worshippers. The book also grants a glimpse into the machinations of a god, exploring how a new god rises, why a god takes worshippers in the first place, and what occurs when a god dies.

This 320-page resource for both players and Game Masters is the comprehensive look at all things divine, making it an essential addition to any Pathfinder Second Edition campaign and a remastered update and expansion of the popular Lost Omens Gods & Magic volume! The book updates for all of your favorite Pathfinder Second Edition deities, providing everything you need to know when playing with updated rules found in Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2, updating domains, spells, and other mechanics. These include expansions on existing classes like new witch patrons, new archetypes like the Rivethun emissary and powerful mortal herald, and new class archetypes like the battle harbinger option for clerics. The book also includes brand new character options and several additional divine entities never before explored in any Pathfinder reference!"

Will Roll20 carry any of these and we still have the Starfinder 2nd Ed playtest hanging in the Breeze........  And the last SF 1st Ed last product Mechageddon AP


May 22 (8 months ago)

Edited May 24 (8 months ago)

Howl is out and looking good!!

Mechageddon for Starfinderis NOT on Roll20, sad face :(  

Mod 1 and 2 for Wardens of Wildwood NOT on Roll20

** NOTE Prey for Death, Curtain Call and Triumph of the Tusk, Pathfinder 2nd edition module and AP's will have NO Mythic for players, that will show up in unannouced products next year , highly suspect PAIZOCON this weekend will give us a peek, will update then.


May 27 (8 months ago)

Nothing new from Roll20 from PAIZOCON sadly

2 New books

NPC Core

Spore War High level AP that comes after the Orky Tusk AP

Mythic AP not known yet should be around in 2025 sometime


June 11 (8 months ago)

And after the buy out of Demiplane the official remaster PF II sheet is dead in the water as they stopped working on it.  Kinda understandable that they want to combine forces with demi who know how to put a sheet together.  yea godfs but waiting another year or so til we get the new colaborated one I suspect it will take that long, NOT GOOD.

Still nothing on the Starfinder 2nd Ed Playtest per Roll20, Demiplane will have at least the Core Rule book they are working on right now, and I would assume any SF II sheet that was being worked on in either place has stopped as well.  Foundry is just using the PF II sheets for their playtest as a stopgap.

We will see if GENCON has anything R20 related, but its almost kinda to late by then for SF II playtest.


June 14 (8 months ago)
Jacob R.

So happy to see some PF1 content on Roll20: We Be Goblins!

Thanks to whoever made that decision.

June 28 (7 months ago)

Roll 20 reroll had nothing to offer Paizo content here. They pretty much said they still have no idea what they are doing with Demiplane. So, 5 years and Pathfinder 2 sheets are still incomplete, and of course they will not change that. I didn't watch enough to see if they are addressing Stafinder 2, they did spend about 10 minutes on D&D though. I will say, the audio also sucked.

June 28 (7 months ago)

Edited June 28 (7 months ago)

Sounds like the usual video sadly, I'll have to watch it and as usual expect nothing much on any new Paizo stuff related...........

Tom :(

July 28 (6 months ago)

4 days til GENCON and still nothing new for Roll20 besides the remastered CRB 2.  Come on Roll20 you are going to have something else then right for all the products Paiz will be releasing??!!...

Also if we bought the older rule books will that be free or will we have to buy again?

Thanks if this ever gets a reply :)


July 31 (6 months ago)
"We understand and agree that the communication has not been great and we appreciate you taking the time to give us that feedback. Going forward, we are taking ownership and working to improve our communication with our community about Pathfinder in the future.
The only update we have currently is that our dev teams are working out the technicalities of how Roll20 works with Demiplane (and vice versa). This can take some time to align with different processes and backends. They are actively keeping the community in mind to provide the best online experience.
The moment we have more information, we will let the community know! Thank you again for taking the time to give us feedback and helping us and other players have a great experience on our platforms."

Facebook response

August 01 (6 months ago)

Edited August 01 (6 months ago)

I hear that every year and it lasts about a month with some info then goes back to our usual, so one has to take that with a large bag of salt honestly

Almost time to see what we get in an hour or so, other than PC2, and if we get it as free if we bought the other older books before


Any bets if we will see new products released at GENCON today here on Roll20.......??

Tom :)

August 01 (6 months ago)

PC2 still on preorder status, but nothing else in sight so far

BUT got a Starfinder 2nd Ed playtest item, which was a nice surprise!!


August 01 (6 months ago)

Yaa, good and bad news, its out of pre order, but is NOT free for those of us who have the older rule books, PC1 was for us.

Roll20, why the change please??

Very disappointing!!

29.99 if by itself or 25 bucks with the bundle, SIGH......


August 01 (6 months ago)

Yeah, I gave up on the hopes of it being upgraded from the prior purchase and preordered it a bit ago. Just hoping they don't screw me over with the Demiplane integration and make me buy everything there as well. I will leave at that point as I already have all the content on Herolab. Would not mind the switch, as long as 100% of the material I have here is unlocked there when they finally figure things out. If they figure things out? Faith is pretty much gone at this point.

August 02 (6 months ago)

Edited August 02 (6 months ago)

I hear ya, so what we did not get on Roll20 that released at GENCON for PF II was

Prey For Death Module in a setting shaking event kicking off the gods war Blood Rain event that ties into the up and coming Mythic rulebook (Red Mantis Assassin Characters witnessing the god of War, Gorum's Death)

Stage Fright, module 1 of 3 for Curtain Call AP (also will tie into the war gods death

Flip Map Village Assault

What ones were any of you all interested in?



And needless to say no update on the from scratch rebuild of the Remastered PF II sheet........

August 02 (6 months ago)

I would love Prey For Death and the Curtain Call AP, as well as every Lost Omens book not currently here. Basically, all PF2 material.

August 06 (6 months ago)

I hear ya there, not as worried about the Lost Omens line myself.  Its the AP's, Modules, Scenarios and rule books that lets one run Paizo games on here, not to even mention a good and workable character sheet for the Remastered PF II sheet as well as a Playtest SF II sheet then a year later the official one, but I expect no info on that as usual sadly......


August 06 (6 months ago)

If Herolab had more "campaign" options I would learn more about there campaign settings and just run that with the VTT. The lost omens line mainly for the bit of character options that are in there, I could really care less about all the setting details, especially as I work to transition to my own stuff or run through pre-made content. I would love the sheets here, with an import feature built on (not a mod). but there focus has never been on Paizo content.

August 10 (6 months ago)

2+ months since Roll 20 acquired Demiplane and the sheet production here was stopped and we do not have an update.

August 30 (5 months ago)

Coming up on 3 months of silence on a PF2 character builder and what is going on with Demiplane, they unpinned the announcement about a week ago, so that post is just as buried as this one.

August 31 (5 months ago)

A reply on demiplane forums:

"Doing like-for-like content in this way requires lots of dev work to make happen properly. I can assure you that the tech teams on both Roll20 and Demiplane are working on the solutions, as this is very important to us – along with longer term integrations between the platforms. The future is very bright, but in order to build that future, skilled engineers have to do the work first. :blue_heart:"

Response on Facebook

"Please feel free to shoot any questions our way! We've spent the last weeks laying the groundwork for integration between Demiplane and Roll20, and are working with partners to unlock content between both platforms. As soon as we have more concrete plans, we'll be sure to shout about them here!"

It's like they respond everywhere but here.

September 04 (5 months ago)

Update posted in a thread on Demiplane:

I appreciate you sharing your concerns. I don’t think there’s anything I can say to you at this time that will assuage your fears here, but I will say what I can, and I’ll simply ask that you keep your curiosity alive for what we have to come.

Paizo is a confirmed partner who has agreed to offer like-for-like content between Demiplane and Roll20. That’s not an instantaneous effort on our side, as there’s a combination of long-term and short-term planning, manual effort, database work, technical development, and marketplace delivery. I can say that all of these different pieces are actively being worked on, but each piece may arrive at different times as opposed to concurrently. Some different pieces may or will be:

  • New product tie-ins, where the product on Demiplane grants you VTT benefits on Roll20 (so rulebook/characters on Demiplane, VTT benefits on Roll20). Our initial test of this was with the Cosmic Birthday release for Starfinder. Roll20 has offered a “play-set” on the VTT for it, which works in concert with the Demiplane offerings.

  • New product combo purchases, where with one purchase you get content on both Demiplane and Roll20. You’ll see some initial approaches to this in the not-too-distant future. :wink: (Soon :tm: )

  • Like-for-like content granting. Where if you currently own something like Player Core on Roll20, you’ll get that title on Demiplane which will unlock everything in the character tools and digital book (and vice-versa for Demiplane-first customers)

  • Longest-term: Demiplane characters and Roll20 VTT integration. The technical teams on both platforms are already working together on this, and building the roadmap of steps that will be taken to make this happen. However, we have confirmed that the intent is for us to have Demiplane/R20 integration when Cosmere RPG is officially released in 2025.

I wish it was quite as simple as clicking a button, but these things absolutely take time, effort, and development from a lot of different teams, along with the involvement of our license partners. So again, while I can’t provide you with firm dates, I can at the very least confirm this is very important to us and the whole Roll20 organization, and it’s actively being worked on every week.

Hope you stick with us, even if it’s just an occasional check-in to see if there are any new updates. Appreciate your curiosity!

This one on Facebook:

We absolutely hear your feedback and understand your frustration. We'll be releasing additional clarification on the Pathfinder Character Builder and Demiplane integration soon, thank you for letting your voice be heard!

So, again, we just don't get answers on Roll 20.

September 15 (5 months ago)

Do we know what happened to the updates for Return of the Runelords 1, 2, and 3? This was supposed to be finished by Q2, and it is almost at the end of Q3. Or is this another forgotten promise from Roll20?

September 18 (4 months ago)

I think your second sentence is the truth of it, why Paizo players stay here is beyond me. New D&D is up day one, 5 years later we are now waiting on a recent acquisition to fulfill what they said would be done 5 years ago. With no fist hand communication, all the updates I have posted are from off site. The updates you are looking for are from were talked about in the same post they also said they would be better about communication if I am not mistaken. Perhaps, the lack of communication and follow through is why they dropped the Paizoconnect program. Not the halftruths they sold us on.

September 18 (4 months ago)

Edited September 18 (4 months ago)

I'm still salty over the whole "a vibrant Charactermancer is actively in development (coming 2020)"

I was honestly excited after the last bit of support but it's clear to me now that we very well may move into 2025 without much more than we already have. Maybe I'm just calling it too early and we only have five more years to wait though. After my last couple games dry up here I'm migrating. I'm tired of begging for scraps. 

September 18 (4 months ago)

Five+ years is not too early, they took our money for the half hearted work they put in, strung us along, changed the product (removed the charactermancer from the listing), dropped the connection to the company we choose to support and then 5 years later turned it over to a new division, while never delivering on what they said they would... but there is supposed to be an announcement soon. I won't hold my breath, and if my work schedule weren't a lot busier than usual I would be moving my content to other platforms, but I am book 5 in one AP, Book 6 in another, and my other games are all farther along, so it would take me a lot of time.

September 22 (4 months ago)

Wasted an hour or so watching the Roundtable. Nothing worth mentioning, par for the course. Lots of Stick with us, nothing at all added.

September 23 (4 months ago)
Jacob R.

I just want to echo what Anna said about the updates for Return of the Runelords 1, 2, and 3. Some word from Roll20 would be nice.

September 28 (4 months ago)

On a Facebook post, replying to me cause we know nothing is said here, Roll 20 stated there was supposed to be big news this week. This was 4 days ago. Did I miss an announcement? it was on this post.

September 30 (4 months ago)

Edited September 30 (4 months ago)

I beleave its that Player Core 1, Player Core 2, GM Core and Monster Core will be unlocked for Both Platforms for free IF you have one or more of them on one or the other platforms.

At least its a start, but for me I have both already and as a LOT of people double (triple) bought em already as you need all those to play the Remastered game.  News for me IF they say anything about  the Remastered character sheet and all the adventures in Demiplane that is NOT in Roll20, as well as a LOT of the other books to date, let alone any Starfinder 1 or II playtest news.  Wait and see I guess....
