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New player looking for D&D group (5e)

    Hello, reader. I am currently looking for a D&D group to join. My experience is very limited, as I have yet to take part in a full campaign. I have attempted a few times over the years but due to one reason or another, they always fizzled out after the first session (sometimes even before). I have the Player's Handbook, have created several characters and played Baldur's Gate 1, 2 and 3. So, I have some knowledge of the lore and Faerun and am not completely clueless. I am very, very interested in learning as much as I can and very much desire to get my first campaign started.      My availability is wide open for the time being, so any day or time would be fine with me. As mentioned above, I have a few characters ready to go. A half-elf ranger and a human fighter are two examples. However, I am fine with creating an entirely new character if you think it would be more fitting for the group/setting.  Please message me here or on discord if you'd like to include me in your current or upcoming campaign. My discord is .slumpbuster (That period in front is part of my username and not a typo.) 
I run a New Player friendly game based in the World of Warcraft universe (you don't need to know about WOW to enjoy). We play on Saturday nights from 8:30-11:30 PM MST. If that is a time frame that works for you and you are interested, we would love to add you to the group. We have some who this is their first time ever playing, and others who are more experienced. Shoot me a DM if you want more information.
What's your age and time zone? 
25 and Eastern Standard time.