US Central time (GMT -6); Sunday evenings at 6:30pm. Currently have a Human priest, a Tiefling vixen, and a Half-Giant bruiser. Would like one (but might possible except two) additional Player-Characters before the campaign starts. Campaign will be in episodic format rather than a lengthy story (each session should be similar to a self-contained Wild West TV show ). This is a Fantasy Spaghetti Western-themed game (think Kobold banditos, Goblin bank robbers, Orc gunslingers, etc.). Six-Shooters and Magic, Elves and Orcs, and Monsters and Dungeons, etc. Must be reliable and also a team player. Would like to start next Sunday (February 25th). In the first session, characters will be new prospects to join the Pinkerton Adventurer Agency (think your typical fantasy adventurer guild like in a lot of anime/manga with a ranking system, quests, bounties, etc.) and will have to pass an examination to become actual members). If interested in being one of the recruits, explain your interest and what sort of character you might like to play. Just think D&D fantasy style races mixed with Wild West tropes, but the system is Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (not D&D). Will also be using SWADE Fantasy Companion (for fantasy stuff) as well as Deadlands (for wild west stuff).