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Name: Mark Age: 33 Discord: Brobear_Gaming Experience: Dark heresy and DnD 5e. Time Zone: GMT Hi my names mark looking for a group to play with as a player for DnD 5e. I'm an avid gamer and love abit of roleplay and tactics would want to play either a monk or a warlock in preferably a campaign though a 1 shot is fine too. having and operation soon so i'll have plenty of time. message me here or discord thanks.
Hello, I am very much interested in having you in our party unfortunately I am not the df. But I can refer you to him if you are interested. The DM has not ruled out anything class, race, experience so far. The adventures called demons of Nabeth.
I'm also looking for a group, to play standard DND with. I'd prefer to play as a Paladin. Hexblade Warlock is also cool and if the DM allows unearthed arcana, I'd be interested to try out my melee sorcerer build