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LFG / LFP Falout2d20 GMT+1

I'm looking to join/ start a group playing Fallout 2d20 on a weekly/ bi weekly / monthly basis. I could play Wednesdays from 2pm / 14:00 GMT+1 (9 pm est), or Tuesdays, Fridays or Sundays from 5pm/ 17:00 GMT+1 (12 pm). I could even GM. Someone out there?
You sure the times posted are correct?

Edited 1708634551
hmm...yeah, google explained it to me, i did the math wrong. im an idi0t.     EST is aobviously 7 hours EARLIER. Im so sorry,thanks @avarita So it would be 9 AM on wednesdays but 12 PM was right because i confused it anyway. You see, im not always such a stpid ignorant european wanting to play a game set in America. I sometimes CAN think
That is to say, i am quite interested in Fallout game. Count me in. Wednesday or sunday works for me.