Why hello there, lovely. Would you like to learn to play D&D with me? Looking for players for the D&D: Phandelver Beginner Game , every Monday at 10pm Central on Roll20. This is a pay-to-play game designed for new players, though experienced players will have a great time as well. We'll go from character creation to basic rules, launching into the action en media res so you learn as you slay, baby, slay. It's not all hack-and-slash, though. My goblins talk trash while the villagers have personalities and problems. Get down with a little roleplay when you feel comfortable, or simply describe what your character would like to say and do without judgment. Explore the countryside and kick in the door to your first dungeon. When we're finished, you'll have the confidence to jump into your next campaign. You're in good hands: I've taught beginners for years through tutorial-style encounters that teach the basics, but the training wheels come off as you hit level four. The campaign is short and intended to teach you everything you need to know while providing a satisfying first-tier story. Lost Mine of Phandelver and The Dragon of Icespire Peak have been combined and edited to create this adventure. Characters will progress through milestone experience from levels one to four. The story can be played in as few as four sessions or as many as ten, depending on party preference. The tenth session will result in a climactic confrontation to bring closure... no fizzling out stories here! The main storyline is linear for simplicity, but a small sandbox offers opportunities for fun, adventure, and treasure that can make the finale less deadly. I work with players to understand where they want to go with their characters and our adventures often revolve around resolving these issues while exploring the world. The default setting guide depends on the adventure, although I regularly integrate Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, VanRichten's Guide to Ravenloft, and Spelljammer. Stories are a combination of printed modules, homebrew, ridiculous pop culture references, and unlikely mashups. Are you ready to chart your own course through the universe with a band of lovable maniacs at your side? Prepare yourself for dark humor, gritty action, and sheer terror every Monday night at 10pm Central. We integrate Roll20 and D&D Beyond with Beyond20 and a host of pro tools. This adventure can be run in as few as four sessions or as many as ten, depending on the pace the party sets. This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $22 per 3-hour session via StartPlaying. Message me for information and links!