I propose a simple clickable icon that contains pre-configured common lighting solutions
so players can swap between light sources with a click, and without the GM
having to edit multiple fields on every token every time the players want
to change light sources. This would be amazing. If it isn't desired, a GM option to turn it off or just leaving it blank could probably work. It could even include
color choice as depicted in my quick graphical approximation of what I'd hope it would be. This would help my players use their
light sources in a more immersive fashion rather than waiting for me to
go in and configure the bright, low light, and color of their current
light source. Yes, it has come up a lot, and I think it would be a
benefit to a lot of tables to be able to 'click a button' and have their
character (or NPC's even, it can help GM's!) emit the light they need.
Dark vision could be an option too for the spell as it isn't permanent
in a lot of cases. BUT WAIT, WHAT ABOUT OTHER SYSTEMS? Good point! As an alternative implementation, these could be set up by the GM as a 'general access list' available to all tokens if system compatibility is a problem, especially since improvised light sources could be a thing in any game. With a pre-set list available to any token, The GM would just be able to 'set it up' and forget it - just configure the master list and add/remove as needed, and it pipes to all tokens! What an easy solution! TLDR: CLICK BUTTON, SELECT THING, DONE! FOR EVERY TOKEN, NPC OR PLAYER, LIGHTING IS SOLVED!