I would probably start by checking your conditionals. If I do the following as a test: !script {{
}} The console throws: "ScriptCards Error: Line 6 is missing a | character. (? )" You can also add `--#debug|1` to your script and see where the error gets thrown. In my case I see: "Line Counter: 3, Tag:+DEBUG, Content:test"
"ScriptCards Error: Line 6 is missing a | character. (? )"
"Line Counter: 4, Tag:/Error - No Line Tag Specified, Content:/Error - No Line Content Specified"
"Line Counter: 5, Tag:+DEBUG, Content:after" So I can see it's thrown after the --+DEBUG|test line. In a real ScriptCard there will be LOTS of debug output but it should help you narrow down where in the ScriptCard the error is being thrown.