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TurnkMarker1 API Question

So, I'm trying to use the TurnMarker API (from the wonderful  Aaron) to represent Range Bands in my game (Basically use the marker as a giant circl with near/far bands) I'm able to change the Marker's token-size, but when it moves to an active token, it resizes to the token's size, and I can't find out how to override or change disable that :/ Any help on that front please? Thank you for your time & assistance! ^_^
I’m pretty sure you’ll need to adjust the script itself.  On line 69 there is this code: scale: 1.7 That is what is multiplied by the size of the token that is at the top of the turn order. So if you have a 1 square (70px x70px) token, then the Turn Marker will be 1.7 times larger, or 119px x 119px.  Depending on the image that you’re using for the Turn Marker, you could manually adjust the ‘scale’ to have it resize the Turn Marker appropriately. The only caution would be tokens that are not 1 grid square (such as a 2x2 or 140px by 140px) may not be scaled up correctly to match the grid spacing that you’re looking for.  It doesn’t look like the script is currently written to allow for a customized size for what you’re looking for. 
Thank you! I thought I had tried that before without success, though this time I did a scale of 20.00 and it got me what I needed. Thank you for the quick reply!!!
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Depending on your use case, you might find this useful:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Or maybe this guy: (in the 1-click)&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Thanks dude- we'll look into these (I was able to get the TurnMarker to be the range-band (so it sits under the active token), so right now it might be what we need, I'll look into the other options if the group wants. I really appreciate the help ^_^!