I saw there was one for Elric. I have even spoken with its author and he was very nice. This is more for him but any that want to lob in and help me out with direction I'm all ears. (his reply is removed from my history fo emails it seems) What I would like to have on an Elric character sheet is the "armor" placement parts on the sheet from the Runequest sheet as well. I would normally just use that sheet but the latest Elric sheet has somethings that the Runequest doesn't. The other little issue I saw that I played around with on the Elric sheet was on the demon page, it has their stats and what not but only allows you to have 2. Elric had magical elementals, and possibly little demons as well as the BA sword. When I went thru the rules awhile back I saw that when a Champion of law comes to town all hell breaks loose (literally). Their armor and weapons are max coverage and max damage vs chaos. The Elric sheet could use some touching up for possibly converting a champion of law (npc) in such an occasion. Any Ideas who I could ask to make these little modifications ?