We play both 1e and 2e but I like the 1e sheet better. Here are some of the macros I've developed for the 1e sheet.
Basic PC initiative:
&{template:general} {{color=blue}} {{subtag=@{selected|character_name} rolls for init}}
&{template:general} {{Rolls [[1d10- @{selected|surprisebonus} +?{Table55?| Normal, 0 | Hasted, -2 | Slowed, 2 | HighGround, -1 | SetToRecieve, -1 | WadingOrSilpery, 4 | Waiting, 1}[STATUS] +?{WpnSpeedFactor?|0}[WPN]+?{Table56?| None, 0 | Wand, 3 | Staff,2 | Rod, 1 | Ring, 3 | Potion, 4, MiscMagic, 3}[RSW]+?{SpellCastTime?|0}[CAST]+?{DM modifier?|0}[DM] &{tracker}]] for initiative!}} {{lowest goes first}}
Morale Check:
&{template:general} {{MORALE CHECK}} {{@{selected|character_name} Makes a MORALE check. Must roll a
[[10]] or lower, and rolls [[(2d10 +?{Experience(Tbl49)?| Char LVL 0, 3 | Char LVL 1, 0 | Char LVL 2-3, -3 | Char LVL 4-5, -4, | Char LVL >5, -5}[TRAINING] +?{Abandoned(Tbl50)?| Normal, 0 | Abandoned, 6}[ALONE] +?{Injured(tbl 50)?| Normal, -1 | Lost 25% HP, 2 | Lost 50% HP, 4 | Lost 75% HP, 6}[HP] +?{Alignment(Tbl50)?| True Neutral, 0 | Chaotic, 1 | Lawful, -1}[AL] ) cf>14 cs<15 ]] }}
Stat/Ability check
&{template:general} {{DEX CHECK}} {{@{selected|character_name} Makes an DEX check. Must roll a
[[ @{selected|Dexterity}]] or less, and rolls [[(1d20 + ?{Modifier?|0})cf>@{selected|Dexterity}cs<@{selected|Dexterity} ]] }}
Saving Throw
&{template:general} {{SAVE VS ParalysisPoisonDeath}} {{@{selected|character_name} Makes an saving throw. Must roll a
[[ @{selected|SaveParalysisPoisonDeath}]] or higher, and rolls [[1d20 + ?{Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]] }}
Quick HP check
&{template:general} {{ HEALTH STATUS }} {{
@{selected|character_name} has [[@{selected|hitpoints}]] out of [[(@{selected|hitdice} * @{selected|level}) + (@{selected|level} *@{selected|hitpointbonus})]] total hit points left.}} }}
PC Mini Character Sheet
&{template:general} {{ MINI CHARACTER SHEET}}
&{template:general} {{@{selected|character_name} }}
&{template:general} {{
HP: [[@{selected|hitpoints}]] of [[(@{selected|hitdice} * @{selected|level}) + (@{selected|level}*@{selected|hitpointbonus})]] }}
&{template:general} {{
STR: [[@{selected|strength} ]] INT: [[@{selected|intelligence} ]]
DEX: [[@{selected|dexterity} ]] WIZ: [[@{selected|wisdom} ]]
CON: [[@{selected|constitution} ]] CHR: [[@{selected|charisma} ]]
COM: [[@{selected|comeliness} ]]
&{template:general} {{
A.C. [[@{selected|armorclass} ]]
THACO [[@{selected|THAC00} ]]
&{template:general} {{
Breath Weapons [[@{selected|savebreathweapons} ]]
Paralysis Poison [[@{selected|saveparalysispoisondeath} ]]
Rod Staff Wand [[@{selected|saverodsstaveswands} ]]
Petrification Poly [[@{selected|savepetrificationpolymorph} ]]
Save vs Spells [[@{selected|savespells} ]]
Turn undead
&{template:general} {{color=green}} {{TURN UNDEAD}} {{subtag=@{selected|character_name} Attempts to turn undead (-1 penalty).}}
&{template:general} {{Cleric Level: = ?{CLVL?|0}}} {{Rolls a [[1d20-1]] and turns up to [[2d6]] creatures of HD Max (see below)}}
&{template:general} {{creatures with HD 3 levels below cleric level are automatically turned}} {{creatures with HD 5 levels below cleric level are automatically destroyed}} {{at 8th level and higher, a cleric destroys additional 2d4 creatures that are 7 HD below his level}}
&{template:general} {{AFFECTED}} {{
04 : up to LVL -2 HD Creatures
07 : up to LVL -1 HD creatures
10 : up to LVL + 0 HD creatures
13 : up to LVL + 1 HD creatures
16 : up to LVL + 2 HD creatures
19 : up to LVL + 3 HD creatures
20 : up to LVL + 4 HD creatures
Search for Secret Doors
&{template:general} {{color=blue}} {{subtag=CONSEALED & SECRET DOORS}}
&{template:general} {{@{selected|character_name} checks for secret doors}}
&{template:general} {{Rolls [[(1d6 -?{Race | non-elf, 0 | elf, 1} -?{Knows aprox loc | No, 0, | Yes, 1} )]] where 1 or less is success}}
&{template:general} {{Fumble Table}}
The attack is a fumble. The Attacker [[ 1t[DM-Fumble] ]]
Hits themselves
drops weapon
break weapon (saving thro for materials)
falls offbalance / prone
hits a part member
recovers normally - no more attachss this rnd
staggers 5ft in direction d8
Overreach (AC penalty of 2 this/next round)
NPC attack
&{template:general} {{color=yellow}} {{name=The enemy attacks}}
&{template:general} {{color=blue}} {{name=TO HIT CALCS}} {{THACO: =?{Enemy THACO?|0}}} {{TH Bns: = ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}}} {{Hits AC: =[[(?{Enemy THACO?|0}) - (1d20 + ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}[MOD])) ]]}}
Player Attack Macro:
&{template:general} {{color=red}} {{name=@{character_name} attacks with}} {{subtag=@{weapon_name}}}
&{template:general} {{color=red}} {{=@{weapon_notes}}}
&{template:general} {{color=blue}} {{name=TO HIT CALCS}} {{My THACO: =@{THAC00}}} {{Wpn Mgk Bns: =@{weapon_magicbonus}}} {{StrDex TH Bns: =@{weapon_tohitbonus}}} {{Othr Bns: = ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}}} {{Hits AC: =[[(@{THAC00}) - (1d20 + @{weapon_tohitbonus}[BON] + @{weapon_magicbonus}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}[MOD])) ]]}}
&{template:general} {{color=blue}} {{name=DAMAGE CALCS}} {{StrDex Dmg Bns: =@{weapon_attackdmgbonus}}} {{Wpn Mgk Bns: =@{weapon_magicbonus}}} {{Othr Bns: = ?{Damage Modifier?|0}}} {{Damage S/M: (@{weapon_damagesmallmedium}) =[[@{weapon_damagesmallmedium} + @{weapon_attackdmgbonus}[BON] + @{weapon_magicbonus}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]]}} {{Damage L: (@{weapon_damagelarge}) =[[@{weapon_damagelarge} + @{weapon_attackdmgbonus}[BON] + @{weapon_magicbonus}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]]}}
Player Special Ability Macro
&{template:general} {{color=@{color_option}}} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{subtag=Special Ability: @{ability_name}}} {{freetext=@{ability_short_description} @{ability_description}}}
Player NWP / Non Weapon Prof Macro
&{template:general} {{color=@{color_option}}} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{subtag=Non Weapon Proficiency: @{nwp_name}}} {{Proficiency Check= Must roll a [[ @{nwp_attribute}[ATTR] ]]
or less and rolls a [[ 1d20 + [[@{nwp_modifier}]][MOD] + [[?{Additional modifier?|0}]][MOD] ]]}} {{freetext=@{nwp_short_description}}}
Player Spell Macro
&{template:general} {{color=@{color_option}}} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{subtag=Casts: @{spell_name}}} {{Level:=@{spell_level}}} {{Range:=@{spell_range}}} {{Duration:=@{spell_duration}}} {{AOE:=@{spell_aoe}}} {{Comp:=@{spell_components}}} {{CT:=@{spell_ct}}} {{Save:=@{spell_save}}} {{freetext=@{spell_description}}}
The holy Handgrenade of Antioch
&{template:general} {{color=red}} {{THE HOLY HAND GRENADE OF ANTIOCH }}
&{template:general} {{color=red}} {{
..And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O LORD, bless this Thy hand grenade, that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the LORD did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... [At this point, the friar is urged by Brother Maynard to "skip a bit, brother"]... And the LORD spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
&{template:general} {{
The grenade soars through the air – accompanied by a short bit of angelic choral a cappella – bounces, and explodes
&{template:general} {{color=blue}} {{name=DAMAGE CALCS}} {{KABOOM. EVERYTHING IS DEAD. }}
Character Creation macro
&{template:general} {{color=red}} {{name=Rolling Stats for New Character}}
&{template:general} {{Place these scores on your character stats as desired for STR CON DEX INT WIS CHR}}{{Ability 1= [[4d6r1k3]]}}{{Ability 2= [[4d6r1k3]]}}{{Ability 3= [[4d6r1k3]]}}{{Ability 4= [[4d6r1k3]]}}{{Ability 5= [[4d6r1k3]]}}{{Ability 6= [[4d6r1k3]]}}
&{template:general} {{color=red}} {{name=DONE}}