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TOKEN MOD - Two items

I am trying to change the icons that represent statues like Blind and Charmed. While I see that I can change the associated image by ensuring that the picture holds the same name as the macro/script, I somehow broke the code that calls the information card about the status to be posted to the chat.  As an example, my new "blind" icon does appear on the selected token when using the using the stock #Status-Info macro and is cleared if I select it again. However, I cannot get the information card to post to chat on the initial application of the status.  I also noticed that the information card on the other working statuses has the same icon in the upper left corner as the status that is applied to the target token. Does this also need to be changed independent of what I am doing or is there an easier way to do this? Thank you 
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Hmm.  I'm not quite clear on what you're asking.  If you run this command: !token-mod --help-statusmarkers It will show you all the custom token markers and their tag names for use in macros.

Edited 1712113109
The Aaron  said: Hmm.  I'm not quite clear on what you're asking.  If you run this command: !token-mod --help-statusmarkers It will show you all the custom token markers and their tag names for use in macros. Hey Arron, thank you for the information. Sorry I wasn't clear in my original post. WHAT NORMALLY HAPPENS: Using all the defaults, when I select a player token and use what I think is a standard macro titled  #Status-Info, I am presented with a pop-up window that contains a drop-down menu. The menu provides a list of all statuses that when selected, complete two functions; 1) it places an icon that represents that status on to the player token and 2) posts an information card containing information about the rules that govern that status to the global game chat.  WHAT I WANT TO DO: I wish to add custom images to better represent the statuses while preserving all other aforementioned functions WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW: I was able to get the images changed so that my custom image displays when the status is selected from the drop-down menu, however the information card no longer posts to the global chat. WHAT I THINK: I'm not 100% sure, but I think the code or macro that calls the information card and posts it to the global player chat in the game, is tied to the "Default Token Marker" (DTM) set. Even when I name the images the exact same as those in the DTM, it will pull the image but still not post the card. This is what I am trying to figure out where I broke it. I think this because the information card looks custom made and uses the same default status icon in the upper left corner of the card.  If I put the DTM back into the game and remove the customer one I made, it all works again but uses the old status icons. I cant figure out where or how the information cards is linked to the process. I'm not sure if there is a line in the API that directs to the DTM and would have to be changed to a custom status marker collection. This is very high above my skill level and I am just grabbing at straws with what little I know about programming. Thanks again
Here is the macro I was talking about... !token-mod ?{Status|Concentrating, --set statusmarkers#!stopwatch|Readying, --set statusmarkers#!stopwatch|-, |Blinded, --set statusmarkers#!bleeding-eye --flip light_hassight|Charmed, --set statusmarkers#!broken-heart|Deafened, --set statusmarkers#!edge-crack|Frightened, --set statusmarkers#!screaming|Grappled, --set statusmarkers#!grab|Invisibility, --set statusmarkers#!ninja-mask|Incapacitated, --set statusmarkers#!interdiction|Paralyzed, --set statusmarkers#!pummeled|Petrified, --set statusmarkers#!frozen-orb|Poisoned, --set statusmarkers#!chemical-bolt|Prone, --set statusmarkers#!back-pain|Restrained, --set statusmarkers#!fishing-net|Stunned, --set statusmarkers#!fist|Unconscious, --set statusmarkers#!sleepy|-, |Blessed, --set statusmarkers#!angel-outfit|Raging, --set statusmarkers#!overdrive|Marked, --set statusmarkers#!archery-target|-, |Dead, --set statusmarkers#=dead|-, |Clear Conditions, --set statusmarkers#-bleeding-eye#-broken-heart#-edge-crack#-screaming#-grab#-pummeled#-aura#-chemical-bolt#-back-pain#-fishing-net#-fist#-frozen-orb#-interdiction#-sleepy#-ninja-mask#-dead|Clear All, --set statusmarkers#-bleeding-eye#-broken-heart#-edge-crack#-screaming#-grab#-pummeled#-aura#-chemical-bolt#-back-pain#-fishing-net#-fist#-frozen-orb#-interdiction#-sleepy#-ninja-mask#-angel-outfit#-overdrive#-blue#-stopwatch#-archery-target#-dead}

Edited 1712118343
SOLVED - DOESNT WORK So this is definitely and dominantly connected to the Default Token Marker  (DTM)    pack with the 47 status icons that comes with a Roll20 account. In this test I was using the Blind status for my trial and error. I removed the DTM from my test game and loaded a custom status token pack that I bought from the Roll20 Marketplace and which came with a Blind status icon image. Again, I could get the new status image to apply to the token but could not get the status info card to post to the global chat.  CUSTOM IMG         DEFAULT IMG Then I copied the Roll20 default token icon for the Blind status (bleeding-eye) over to the custom pack file I made earlier and all of a sudden, that default image not only attached to the token but I also got the info card posted to chat even though it was the default token loaded into the custom icon pack. When you copy these icons from the default packs, you cannot rename them or really do anything with them but use them.  Even when I downloaded the default image, named it the exact same as the default, and loaded it into the custom icon pack file, I could not get the card to display in the chat. The card only displays when it is used from or came directly from the default token pack. It cannot be modified in anyway.   THIS IS THE INFO CARD I AM TALKING ABOUT (Note how the default icon and the icon on the card match) I then discovered that using the token menu to apply the blind status manually (left click the token, left click the smooth disc shaped satellite icon that appears) pushes the card out to the chat. This indicated to me that the macro was not involved in any process of the info card being sent to the chat. There is also no way, at least that I can see, to call the info card up independent from using the default status icon. That would at least be something most people could work with and integrate into their macros.  In summary, it looks like if you use the default Roll20 default status icons pack (which are kind boring looking IMO, you get the nice card push to the chat that explains to the players how that status works but if you load a custom status image, you lose that info card. They really need to fix this IMO 
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Ah!  This is really about the StstusInfo API script. I think that script predates custom token markers, and there are some differences in how you access them. I'd like to say I could fix that real quick, but I'm swamped with other work. I'll see if I can find the original author. 

Edited 1712154070
The Aaron  said: Ah!  This is really about the StstusInfo API script. I think that script predates custom token markers, and there are some differences in how you access them. I'd like to say I could fix that real quick, but I'm swamped with other work. I'll see if I can find the original author.  Hey no problem Aaron! Thanks for any help you can offer. If its easier, I was thinking of a workaround. I was going to make my own custom status info cards and upload them to Roll20 so that they have a URL. Then I would make an individual macro for each status where the only function is to push the URL into the game chat and call the card image for display in the chat. I would then alter the main macro I am using to apply the status icon to the token and chain the respective image macro in that same code string. I just cant for the life of me, figure out the syntax to make that happen. I am happy to pay/hire you for the work on either solution. I greatly respect the skill of other, especially where programming is concerned. Let me know if that is something you are interested in and feel free to send me a private message to work out any details.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
You might try switching to CombatMaster.  It is kind of a descendant of StatusInfo.  It contains all the same functionality, but is updated to use libTokenMarkers for dynamic status markers.  It has a bunch of other functionality, so that may be a plus or minus depending.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
You could also consider Condefinition . It provides a graphic interface for assigning statuses, displays status definitions, calls saving throws and scans incoming attacks for status condition inducing effects.

Edited 1712163851
keithcurtis  said: You could also consider  Condefinition . It provides a graphic interface for assigning statuses, displays status definitions, calls saving throws and scans incoming attacks for status condition inducing effects. I literally just found your script a few minutes ago as it was recommended by a Redditor. I just installed it but was wondering if it will allow me to not only change the status icons used but also let me customize the info card that is posted to chat?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Follow the link above. It gives instruction on how to alter the markers, info, and triggers for each of them. I really should try to work on a GUI for that, so that it could be put into one-click.
API Scripter
keithcurtis said: Follow the link above. It gives instruction on how to alter the markers, info, and triggers for each of them. I really should try to work on a GUI for that, so that it could be put into one-click. I'll second that motion!