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Using macros as part of attack description


Edited 1712133268
Hi guys! I have a specific problem. I play a Character that controls multiple character sheets and I have been trying to find a way to use Description / Macro to make a collective roll I have a in total of 3 (or more if all included) wich I'd like to put behind a single macro to stop flooding the chat.  How do I do this? So far I have used partly manual, partly automatic macros but I have to check every single digit manually at level ups from second and so forth characters. I would like to have a collective Crafting + spellcraft check in under one button for all three characters. Crafting ... spellcraft  [[1d20 + 13]] ........... [[1d20 + 17} Bukka [[1d20 + 6]] ........... [[1d20 + 6]] Yami [[1d20 + 20]] ........... [[1d20 + 5]] Kiri I have been working with this kind of setup. And it leaves the chat within reasonable amount of flood.  Problem is, with how do I make those +X automatic from different sheets? Bukka is the main sheet. Been using this as part of attack's description. Cause prefer it to be on 1 sheet rather than on 10 macros Thanks a bunch in advance

Edited 1712144243
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Depending on the Character Sheet being used, you should be able to refer to each Character’s bonus using the Macro @ syntax. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Forum Champion
Hi Epe,&nbsp; Which character sheet are you using? If you don't know the name of the sheet please supply a screenshot.&nbsp;