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ALIEN RPG (Hostile syntax error)

Can someone help me wrap my head around this please… Why does this error appear? I'm clicking attacks. This is a drone as built from the drag and drop from the compendium and yet, when I click attack this error appears on some of it's attacks? I've changed nothing in the hostile sheet (Except the hp level). What am I doing wrong?  

Edited 1712143496
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Would this be a Jumpgate Beta game? I’ve seen similar errors in Jumpgate character sheets. Roll20 was fixing it. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Any news on this being fixed?&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Hi INJC,&nbsp; I suggest reaching out to the makers of the character sheet.&nbsp; Medieve (aka Richard T):&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and&nbsp; Scott Casey (aka Scott C):&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1712953277
Richard T.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hello, INJC reached out to me about this bug and I've isolated the issue and wanted to post our current understanding of the bug and our suggested workaround&nbsp; for others having this issue&nbsp; until we get a fix in .&nbsp; It seems the error is triggered when the attack-table macro rolls the first item of the list of attacks, including those with a chance of 0. For enemies like the Drone, whose first attack has a chance of 0, you can reroll the attack until it gives you a valid output. For other enemies, you can safely assume what attack the macro was trying to output and roll the first attack manually.&nbsp; Sorry for the inconvenience!
Any word on when this might get fixed?
Again, any word at all on whether this is being fixed or not?