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Alien Compendium not sharing with players.

Despite the fact that I have the Compendium shared in settings in my game, players aren't able to access it. Is there a reason?  How could I have blocked players from using the compendium when the game settings are telling me it's sharing? 
It might be not an issue with sharing but with the "new" compendium look. For me often the Star Trek Adventures compendium looks this way. When I reload while inside the VTT I get the compendium entries to show.
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Hi INJC! If you can confirm the problem persists when using the old Compendium, this will be the second report I have seen. If so, please confirm here, and I'll see if I can get any attention on this.

Edited 1712767378
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I just tried to repro this and cannot. My player account is at free level, so it uses the old compendium. Please try getting your players to switch back to that. Player view:
Having the exact same Problem with the New Compendium and Dragonbane... Problem is compendium sharing! The old compendium works fine. INJC said: Despite the fact that I have the Compendium shared in settings in my game, players aren't able to access it. Is there a reason?  How could I have blocked players from using the compendium when the game settings are telling me it's sharing? 
I’m using I guess the new compendium as I bought the core recently. Can you explain. How you switch to an old compendium? I just have a compendium. Not sure how this resolves the problem.
Forum Champion
Hi INJC,  Roll20 recently introduced a new version of the compendium, it is in beta testing right now.  Inside your game in the My Settings tab there is a switch for the new vs old Roll20 compendium. I suggest switching it to the off position if the new compendium is having issues. 
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Yes, I should have been clearer on that:
Okay, thank you, will try that. I had beta switched off too as Beta was generally causing issues, so at first the toggle option was off. I don't know if that means that the thing wasn't using the beta version of the compendium (you'd assume so… but hey) so shall see what players come back with when they take a look.   Now just have to hope someone fixes the syntax errors I keep getting from creature attacks. Not sure if that's even being addressed yet.  Maybe that was a beta issue too?
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You'll have to tell your players to try the setting, too. It's a user setting, not a game setting.
Okay, will do, thank you. 
Beta features was mostly the new Sidebar, Map Folders and the new compendium. The Sidebar is available to all users now, so the only "Beta Features" remain are the Map folders and the new Compendium. So if you toggle on beta features, you can use Map folders BUT the new compendium becomes toggled automatically as well so you need to toggle that off if you want to use the old compendium... INJC said: Okay, thank you, will try that. I had beta switched off too as Beta was generally causing issues, so at first the toggle option was off. I don't know if that means that the thing wasn't using the beta version of the compendium (you'd assume so… but hey) so shall see what players come back with when they take a look.   Now just have to hope someone fixes the syntax errors I keep getting from creature attacks. Not sure if that's even being addressed yet.  Maybe that was a beta issue too?
Aliens core rulebook doesnt show for players in either the old or new compendium, jus t got a player to test both in separate games, it just takes players to the buy page
Still having issues with this. Any news on when this is getting fixed? 
I notice the character sheet is still faulty too (I've already contacted the people who made it… we're reverting back to the Aliens sheet - that at least works, you just can't push with it)