This is - as can be seen in the Screens - for Shadowrun Sixth World Regarding the OLD Compendium, WHY am I seeing categories, that are empty once opened? It seems there are entries for each and every Book that is available on Roll20 and ALL are displayed here even though being empty! Compared with the "new" Compendium: While for Dragonbane it is the complete OPPOSITE! New Compendium: VS OLD Compendium: Those entries are NOT Empty and contain the contents from the Book as expected. Note that there are also entries in - I believe Swedish - in between other entries. Can this finally be FIXED please? I don't like the new compendium because of all the wasted screenspace. ALSO I have to say that I do NOT own any books on Roll20 for both Systems provided above! As for Dragonbane, I am Co GM and the creator has the complete module via the Roll20 Bundle that was available to purchase a while ago!