A friend and I are looking for someone to hopefully DM a pathfinder 1e campaign and could potentially bully some other friends into playing with us if we can't find some other players/you the DM don't have some in mind already! We're both from the UK so our timezone is GMT/ BST depending on the time of year and we cannot play on Tuesdays but all other days are free for us to play and we're happy to play during the timeframe of 11am to 10pm! (obviously time and session length decided when campaign is being set up) We're both queer gals who love romance be it other players or an npc so we'd ask that the DM and other players be comfortable with potential romance scenes and queerness in the campaign. I myself am arachnophobic (specifically spiders, scorpions are fine tho!) so would ask for no spiders or descriptions of them in the campaign but other lines/veils can be communicated during session 0! We're both detailed oriented when it comes to characters and enjoy building relationships between party members and npcs and putting time and effort into things like having a character train their pet or participate in their hobby if they have one, just little things that add to the roleplay experience! We enjoy planning things like outfits for characters to wear, planning possible things the characters could do together outside of just the main mission of the campaign. High fantasy is preferred, the themes can be dark and gritty so long as we also do get downtime and nice moments along the way so we're not burnt out by it all. Would also be fine running a pre-made campaign instead of purely homebrew as Pathfinder has some amazing adventure paths out there. Things like rules obviously depend on the game though elephant in the room would be lovely to have. We're 27 and 29 respectively so you need not worry about swearing or adult themes we are perfectly fine with those. I myself have several years of Pathfinder experience and my friend has no experience with Pathfinder but several years of experience with other TTRPG systems so other newbies or experienced players are welcomed! If you're potentially interested in DMing for us please send me a message and we can set up a discord call to get an idea about if we're a fit for each other!