So it seems there's a bug with posting screenshots, since every time I tried, it gave me a 404 error message claiming that that this page didn't exist. Apparently it duplicated all the screenshots, one normal size and one the same size as the screenshot itself, which caused the bug. How annoying.
1. Here's a Roll20 link and screenshot that proves that Roll20's HTML is not the same as web HTML. Of note, I've learned that Roll20's HTML is actually a blend of HTML and JavaScript (aka SheetWorkers), which is why it's so hard to find a working linters/code validators that provide accurate feedback.
2. I spent 12 hours combing through all of the code using the guess-trial-error-guess method, and I found the errors. There were only 12 of them. 3 missed semicolons, 4 words were missing 2 letters, 1 extra semicolon, 3 mis-placed ")", and I had to make a workaround for something since it wouldn't work the way it should have been able to work. After fixing them, the sheet is working perfectly as intended. So there were nowhere near the 515 to over 20,000 errors as reported by various linters/code validators.
3. To clarify, what was breaking wasn't the entire sheet/page. The break was that something was preventing any of the code from firing whenever a change was made to the page. For example, changing a 0 to a 1 on a status effect on the sheet should trigger some text to appear and update 3 different values, but the text wasn't appearing and the values weren't getting updated. That was the level of breakage occurring and why I was suspecting an error specifically within the on('change functions.
4. I have since learned that whenever you guys are referring to "Sheet Workers", you're talking about what I know as "Code Groups". ie, the groups of code that can be shrunk by pressing the arrows on the right-hand side of some code writers. "Sheet Workers" is apparently a term specific to Roll20 as far as I can tell, referring to the code groups that use JavaScript instead of HTML unless I'm mistaken, which explains why no code validators work since Roll20's version of HTML is actually a blend of HTML and JavaScript. Also, the page explaining sheet workers apparently isn't easily found unless you know to search for it. I'll try to use that phrase instead going forward now that I know what it means.
5. Thanks @Finderski for the information! I learned a new word thanks to you! lol
Unfortunately though, the two resources you linked don't work for Roll20 character sheet HTMLs. I tried both with a fully functional sheet just to be sure. Here are the results, as well as one other that I found on my own.
Esprima - Stopped at line 7, claiming that the use of < at the start of a line was invalid. Roll20 requires that character at the start of nearly every line of code for things such as <div> , <input> , <span> , and more. This would mean that there are over 7,000 "errors", since that's roughly how many lines start with a <.
JSLint - Stopped at line 2, claiming that # was invalid and to use spaces instead of tabs. If this went through all the way, there would be over 20,000 "errors", as there's at least 2 tabs per line.
CSS-Validator - Given that this is a CSS validator, and not an HTML validator, I'm not surprised this one didn't work, lol.
FreeFormatter - found 517 issues within a fully functional script.
6. To answer anyone's queries about where and how I'm writing this code, here you go.
Using a .txt document to write the code.
Manually converting the .txt to .html.
Placing the HTML into the Custom Sheet Sandbox provided by Roll20.
When it's working as intended, I copy-paste the code into Campaign Settings > Character Sheet Template > Custom > HTML Layout. (See image below)
I then hit the "Save Changes" button, and I'm done.
7. Considering that Roll20 calls it HTML Layout, has a section within the Tutorial Page for Character Sheet Development calling it HTML, and it uses .html when posting it into the custom sheet sandbox tool, I'm fairly confident in using the term HTML to describe the code I'm using even though it uses elements of Javascript for the sheet workers as I've come to learn. That said, if there's a different, community-based term for what I'm talking about, then I'm open to adjusting my jargon to alleviate confusion. Just tell me the word(s) I should use instead, and I'll use them.
8. All of this code was hand-written by myself and a friend of mine, so nothing was copy-pasted from another person's work to the extent of my knowledge.
9. @vÍnce I want to thank you, as it appears that your comment is the most accurate, if admittedly least helpful, one so far. And while I also hope that something of this nature comes alongside new updates, I'm not holding my breath.
10. @GiGs when you claim that HTML is very tolerant of errors, are you referring to bloat code and comments within the code? You know, calls and functions that never get used or are similarly irrellevant, excess use of the enter key or comments, invalid characters within comments, that sort thing? Because if not, then my experience has been quite different across the board. Entire sections of web pages, program code, and Roll20 character sheets become inoperable and break because of a single stray, misplaced, or forgotten character. And the higher up in the process it is, the more it breaks. Sure, it doesn't necessarily break the entire page, but it breaks anything tied to whatever is causing the error, which can include the entire page.
11. I'm a self-taught coder. As such, I don't know all the official jargon that's used by others, likely making up my own terms for things since I've not had formal training, let alone regarding the Roll20 specific jargon, as detailed in point 4 with the roll20-specific term "Sheet Worker". This is why I asked for people to not assume that I understand everything you say. This is also why I made this post, so that I can have reactive feedback to help me learn Roll20's specific code instead of having to guess-trial-error-guess my way through it.