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Roll20 will have a Twitch Panel at PAIZOCON again


Edited 1715768968
Hoping its a lot better than the last one!! On Twitch Roll20: Bridging the gap between digital and physical play 9AM to 10 AM PDT Saturday May 25th Hoping for some cool new products and VTT updates!! Not sure if it will be live or pre recorded..... Tom

Edited 1716843757
Link to the Twitch Stream show&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> OK so a bit better than last years, but for us here on Roll20 we knew all this before. o news on any new or old Paizo Pathfinder 1st Ed, Pathfinder 2nd ED, Starfinder 1st Ed and Starfinder 2nd Ed playtest. HUGE missed opportunity as GENCON is about 2 months away and a LOT of cool stuff is coming out then we have no clue about besides Player Core II, which Roll20 will carry. 2 new products announced NPC Core "NPC bestiary full of hundreds of statblocks for a multitude of characters. If anyone is familiar with the NPC Codex or Monster Codex from 1E, I would expect something very similar. It is essentially replacing the NPC gallery that was in the GameMastery Guide. The book will be filled with statblocks of different levels for a multitude of generic NPC characters commonly found throughout the world (think butcher, barkeep, guard, noble, criminal, cultist, etc). They also mentioned there would be a selection of villain statblocks which could be used for notable bad guys and BBEGs. While mostly filled with human statblocks, there will be sections for an assortment of different ancestries with templates you can apply to make any NPC into that ancestry. As well as unique statblocks for many of the common ancestries (they specifically mentioned Orcs as an example), with new statblocks specific to those ancestries/cultures. There also will be lists of ancestry appropriate names and guidelines on creating NPCs for those ancestries. They mentioned that this has been in the pipelines since before the remaster was even announced, and that they used that opportunity to replace the NPC Gallery from the GameMastery Guide with this new book." Spore War a 3 part&nbsp; High Level AP where the newer infamous Treerazer is giving the Elves in Kyonin a war, out in 2025 after the Orcy Tusk AP, but not much info besides this. Thoughts people? Tom
It is honestly disheartening as a heavily invested PF2 player here, I wish there was more commitment to the product. It has been 5 years and roll 20 has been dragging on all the PF2 products. I asked prior to its release 2019 about the builder and was led to be it would be shortly after, it is still not ready. It is quite disappointing. Add to that now I have to actually make the purchases in multiple locations, and they didn't bring the content here down that much in price to compensate for it. All in all, there is competition out there and Roll 20 falls father and father behind it. I am still here, just not very happy about it. They spend too much time on stuff I don't care about, and the stuff I do seems to fall to the side. Like the rest of the Lost Omens lines, AP content, and the charactermancer for PF2 that should have been done before 2020. Wardens of Wildwood should be here, what about the missing Modules? A few that I have lined up to run in a couple of my games are not here.
I hear ya bud, and then some, all we can do is sit and wait and hopefully someone will be hired who actually knows how to communicate product lines...... Interesting they did not announce the Demiplane buy out, guess they did'nt want to ruffle any more feathers than there already are at this point for us. Tom
I do like demiplane, had they been around at PF2 release I would have been all in. Instead, I am invested heavily into Herolab, which is an inferior product. I do wish they were active with 3rd party though, Herolab isn't with the online and I would like to make it easy to include Battlezoo content in my games.

Edited 1718172279
Forum Champion
Hi Jariath, I suggest heading over to the Demiplane Discord server and making a feature request for any content you would like to see. From what I have been seeing they do work with 3rd party product makers (such as Kobold Press).&nbsp;