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[LFP] Online Sunday or Monday 3.5e full homebrew campaign (New and Experienced players welcome)


Edited 1718888807
Game:  D&D 3.5e Group preferred:  Online, discord/world anvil (does not require sub) Experience:  Any Location/Timezone:  I am PST, but majority group is EST Availability:  Monday or Sunday at 3pm PST/ 6pm EST to 6pm PST/ 9pm EST Preferred role:   Player Game style:   casual combat (focused on letting players both learn and be challenged), roleplay End date for recruitment: June 15th 2024,  Character Leveling:  Sunday is Experience, Monday is renown based (milestone) but the party gaining notoriety. Otherwise monday is normal dnd, see comments for questions Requirements below: Pitch us your character idea that your interested in running for either the normal sunday races, or monday as a monster turned sentient or born sentient. The group of players will decide based on the character they find the most interesting. We do allow 3e classes so long as they are converted, and you only need to do a rough build up to the level they are and a bit about the character.    Partys currently:  Sunday all lvl 2 with a Druid, Cleric (anti undead god) and Monk all a mix of fire giant Monday all lvl 3 with a Bard, Spellthief, and a Barbarian Full world being built on world anvil will be provided to players who join Welcome to a world in its first heroic age, a period when dragons and giants are warring with each other. You could join the players on sunday as they lead a crusade against the undead and build a new unholy assassin order. Or the monsterous group planning there conquest of the world and destruction in every way. Watch as the world around you expands from the classical era of the greeks to the warring ages. Enjoy the multiple players running world leaders throughout the world that seems to continuously have strange plots going on. For the cheese shall be won by a random player, while another convinces a nation that plagues are the new "in" thing. Make your mark on this world, or help your party complete there goals, the choice is yours!   Bit about the dungeon master, been a dm for this group for 6 years now. We have done around 9 campaigns, multiple holiday one shots, and been changing the world lore i've been writing about the world ever since. I am an ex game designer who has taken his open world rpg he was building and put it into a history book for my players to shape and build upon. This will be my first 3.5e campaign in many years, so I'm rusty but i think it will be a good time for new players.    Must have a sense of humor, and fully if you have never played we will teach you and learn as we go. Almost the entire group is new to it and trying it out, so feel free to throw your hat in even if your new. 
Looks interesting.  I have a couple questions.  It seems by the information that both groups (sun/mon) are having more of a grimdark/evil disposition.  Is that correct?  
We on Monday are not evil, and it is not grim either. i am one of the players on the monday campaign.

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Hello. I'm interested in either scenario. Add me on discord if you have it. oppressor is my handle.
Hello All, As a reminder please see the post request to post your character concept. Thank you!
Also apologies Rerednaw, my replies must have not posted.  Sunday has the goal of eliminating evil necromancers from the world and stopping demons, they are to a degree the good guys.  For Monday, they are not evil, more morally grey, they have a goal to make a name for themselves.  And thus, for the right price they are good or evil. 
Hi im interested in the Monday game and would love to join. Now I've played some 3.5 but never as a monster fore say. I used some templates and i was thinking of being a psion.

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No worries! I saw the notes about "plagues are in, building a new assassin order, destruction and conquering the world" and misunderstood.  Morally grey ala "Firefly" I suppose? Works for me.   Concept-wise?  They are all over the place but I would concerned about how they mesh with the group dynamic.  Okay let me try pitching a few examples.  Subject to change to better fit with the group of course.  Beware wall of text follows. R20 doesn't allow external links so I couldn't google doc it.  Don't see spoiler tag in tools above. Sunday (more 'standard' adventurer concept).  Jin was once a member of an elite group of swordmasters known as the Lung Clan, renowned for their unparalleled skill and unwavering honor. Born into the clan, Jin was trained from a young age in the art of combat and the way of the sword. She showed a natural talent and dedication that earned her the respect and admiration of her peers.  As she grew older, Jin became particularly close to her sensei, Ryota, who had taken her under his wing and taught her the intricacies of the clan's ancient sword techniques. Ryota was like a father to Jin, and she trusted him with her life. But fate had other plans. During a fateful mission to vanquish a powerful demon lord, Jin's clan was betrayed from within. Ryota, it turned out, had been secretly working with the demon lord to overthrow the clan and claim its power for himself. The night of the betrayal, Jin was the only survivor of the massacre. She was left for dead, her body scarred and broken, her spirit shattered. The demons, sensing her pain and anger, began to haunt her, their dark energies feeding off her emotions.  Now, Jin wanders the land, a lone survivor driven by her quest for justice. Her sword, once a symbol of her clan's pride, has become an extension of her own rage and sorrow.  Crunch:  Race/Class/Align: Human/Warblade/N (lawful tendencies) ===== Monday group.  ' Monster backgrounds' Monster concept 1. Minion#117 'The Sport' Ever since I was hatched I (Minion #117) knew I was special.  Everyone around me said so. "Awww, he's special!" As I was the last (the 117th) of the current brood to hatch my designation was #117.  While I did keep up with the usual hive duties of building, gathering and hunting, I, #117 was a bit of a runt so I was sometimes bullied for my small stature.  However rather than be depressed I took it as an advantage. Being small made it easier to hide from the "cool bugs/snakes" elitist cliques that would bully others.  So what if I wasn't in the first dozen of the brood known as the "Queen's Chosen?" I still did my job at the end of the day.  Albeit this life was rather boring.  Among my oddities were some mental traits that were reminiscent of other races. For one, I found I could summon a small bolt of energy. Strange. But I learned very quickly to keep those secret and fortunately they were easy to conceal.  Still I longed for the day when I could be free of the hive and it's old-fashion stuck in their ways mindset. "If it was good for the Great-great-times nth degree generation, it's good for us."  Most hives were so conservative they didn't even believe in radical new age thinking such as "fire, the lever," or the Great Hive Ancestor forbid, "the wheel."  One day while on a gathering task, I came across a strange item possessed by a shaman, the hand of a monkey.  The shaman, a member of an adventuring party, had just breathed his last, but not before making one final plea via his magic item?  The Shaman said "I wish..." and then collapsed from his injuries.  Apparently judging by the other bodies of his comrades that had come out second to a bear?  Because I then saw the bear's body nearby.  Okay a tie. Huh a item that granted wishes?  Cool beans. I just wanted to be free of the hive and here was my chance.  "I wish I was free to leave the hive!" The next words were very fateful. From all around I heard "Your Wish is Granted!"  Meanwhile back at the hive...INTERLUDE A band of drunk adventurers stumbled across the hive entrance. As they debated who was the best at clearing and how fast, the wizard rolled his eyes and mumbled "Cloudkill." Instantly a giant metal cylinder with the ancient arcane runes spelling 'Raid' appeared, spraying a toxic cloud of greenish gasses which sank into the hive. INTERLUDE END... A few hours later, at the end of my gathering shift, I came back with a barrel full of food.  However the stench of death greeted me.  One glance inside made me realize how my 'wish' had been granted.   Well crap that sucked.  The death of my entire nest on my conscience, I ran away.  While glad to be free, I vowed never to make a wish again.   SECRET: As for the Monkey's never had any power save for a magic mouth that would answer "Your Wish is Granted!"  But I didn't find that out till...well that is another story.  Crunch:  Race/Class/Align: Bug or Reptile*/Wilder**/***TBD *Savage Species custom or variant of dromite/thrikeen/yuan-ti/etc. LA +0 **Dreamscarred Press variant for wild surge-student. No other changes. ***Whichever fits best with party, otherwise CN (good tendencies) ==== Monster concept 2. Awakening in darkness. WTF?  The last thing I remembered was...nothing just a vast wave of darkness coming at our adventuring party.  A trap?  A monster ambush? A spell?  None of us could figure it out before it instantly enveloped all of us.  Feeling around I could tell I was in some kind of box.  Straining I heard nothing outside.  I had no gear or equipment that I could tell, so I made and fist and tried to punch the side of the box.  It was rather hard.  I then scrunched up my body and tried using both legs.  Ah, I heard a gradual cracking coming from the sides.  Encouraged I strained with all my might and was rewarded with a sudden sound like shattering glass. I was blinded for a moment and then realized it was the dim glow of various fungi.  A few wet drops of water fell on my head.  Hmmm, cold, dark and damp.  So underground?   Looking around I could see what looked like other broken wait, shells?  WTF?  There was some scattered equipment, but most appeared worn out or rotted.   I reached up to brush my eyes from some lingering debris and was shocked to see that my hands, nor arms, no, my entire body was covered in scales?  Some evil caster's experiment?  There was little here I could equip myself with.  I managed to scrounge what appeared to be some worn-ragged robes and a rusty dagger. Well this was better than running around naked.   I had to get out of here.  Wary of guards, monsters, or worse, I tried to move as quickly as possible while maintaining a modicrum of stealth.  My form was a bit awkward and clumsy but I quickly adapted.  I soon saw a pair of small armed humanoids apparently wandering about.  They were speaking amongst themselves in a language that was strangely unfamiliar yet not.  I recognized their words. "We hatesss. Ssstupid patrol!" one of pair, a kobold I now recognized complained.  "Quietsss.  Big bosss with eatss usss!"  The other admonished. "We followss orderss.  Go outside and watch for nasty heroesss!"  I was in luck.  I stayed carefully behind the 2 guards and followed them to the entrance of this cavern complex.  It was night outside but my sight had adjusted to the dimness of the underground so I could see clearly.   I waited for a bit until the pair left my view and slowly counted to 30, and then I slowly made my way out.  Fortunately I could see that the guards were far out heading towards a nearby treeline.   I did similarly but in a different direction. I congratulated myself on getting free from this place but still had no idea.  Wait in the distance the dim glow of village lights at night.   Okay, I stand corrected, now I knew where to go.   I almost made it to town without incident, save for a hungry wild boar.  I tried to sneak by when the night breeze blew a cloud of pollen in my face.   I sneezed...and suddenly the boar squealed as it collapsed into a pile of goo?  What?  Since when were my sneezes...acidic?     Well shoot, that was different.  Crunch:  Race/Class/Align: Dragonborn(WGnome)/Dragonfire Adept/NG or NE depending on party compsition.  The DM said: Also apologies Rerednaw, my replies must have not posted.  Sunday has the goal of eliminating evil necromancers from the world and stopping demons, they are to a degree the good guys.  For Monday, they are not evil, more morally grey, they have a goal to make a name for themselves.  And thus, for the right price they are good or evil. 

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I have a question on Monday monster game. Do you count ECL? Or do you get a certain amount free? Edit: Or LA, I forget if its one or another.
Shadow Dragon we go by class level for this. You gain abilities from the monster, but otherwise its a bit of a homebrew system. The unique fact is that as monsters become stronger i.e every 5 levels they either become a stronger version of the base monster or "evolve" into another monster classification (dragon, aberrations, plant, undead etc) in which they gain a random or chosen monster from that category and adapt parts of it at random to become unique monsters. 
The DM said: Shadow Dragon we go by class level for this. You gain abilities from the monster, but otherwise its a bit of a homebrew system. The unique fact is that as monsters become stronger i.e every 5 levels they either become a stronger version of the base monster or "evolve" into another monster classification (dragon, aberrations, plant, undead etc) in which they gain a random or chosen monster from that category and adapt parts of it at random to become unique monsters.  I am not best describing character ideas in text. Would you be willing to do so over voice in discord? I can mail you my discord if so. I be interested in Sundays game now the normal race none monster one.
I appreciate it Shadow, but currently i would say that the players are the ones who decide who they want in the group. So while i appreciate the eagerness to meet with me. It would not be my decision in this case. And the players have a pretty busy schedule outside of there days for session. So i ask that you attempt to post your character concept even if its a rough paragraph or two. I appreciate you indulging in my selfish request.  Thank you all as your posting, the players are starting to send requests to reach out. 
The DM said: I appreciate it Shadow, but currently i would say that the players are the ones who decide who they want in the group. So while i appreciate the eagerness to meet with me. It would not be my decision in this case. And the players have a pretty busy schedule outside of there days for session. So i ask that you attempt to post your character concept even if its a rough paragraph or two. I appreciate you indulging in my selfish request.  Thank you all as your posting, the players are starting to send requests to reach out.  I have a few idea's depending whats allowed. 1. Human Battle sorcerer/fighter/spell sword. This be a standard gish build. and alignment would be CG. He would value good over evil but he wouldn't black and white as a pally would be. He would take feats such as avenging strike, arcane strike and others to master the sword. 2. Spell Scale Sorcerer/dragon heart mage. This one would focus on draconic heritage feats that would buff her and her allies. She also be CG but her values would more match draconic creatures than a human. 3. Human sorcerer/mystic/mystic theurge (mystic: is from dragon lance and is basically a sorcerer but cast divine spells) This one he/she (i haven't decided sex) will have a great eagerness to learn to balance arcane and divine magic. For divine will focus on heals and buffs and remove stuff like diseases. as for arcane will focus on dps and buffs. I hope this will be enough if you have any question let me know.
Hello there, saw the post and thought I'd throw in a couple ideas to see if anything stuck with the party. I've been a 3.5/PF player for a good 14 years at this point (Started with the golden RPG Neverwinter Nights), and I'm more than happy to help out other players as needed with rules and whatnot. As for the characters themselves: Sunday: I'd like to play a dwarven incarnate aiming to become an ironsoul forger. Idea of the character is a craftsman looking to combine the magical essence of the world into grandiose masterworks fitting in with parallels of Greek legend like Hephaestus and the like. I figure with the rich backdrop of titans and dragons being some of the larger set-pieces there's a possibility for some interplay with interesting projects and materials and it could be a lot of fun to work with the party to develop personalized gear that's more engaging than looking at the MIC and ponying up the GP. Monday: While a little lower on the power-scale, I think it'd be fun to play a kobold dragonfire adept aiming to be a renowned dragonslayer. Partially because of the amusement but mostly because of the David and Goliath aspects. Kobolds typically get the boot-licking jobs of dragons so having one stand up to them and really become a source of concern feels like a fun way to flip the script.
not sure how this will go over but I will throughout my pitch for a character an alchemist/wizard type character who is interested in the science of alchemic remedy's and poisons as well as weapons and its use in such things a character that doesn't practice magic adlect not in the traditional sense an orphan Drow elf as my race who was abandoned and raised by a couple of high elven wizards who took him in because he had nowhere else to go and later discovered he had a talent for understanding the magic in the Mundan and the alchemical arts let him study but with great care and caution do the dangers of such things but do to his ability and his race he had to kept separate for his adopted parents children do to them being afraid of him not knowing if he was like the rest of his despite this he always helped them when Thay got hurt when he was a kid never once even flinching in the face of the problem whether it be a small cut a dog bite or even a broken bone he always stayed by there side despite peoples view of him he would always help those in need or harm those seeking to cause trouble. {do to my history with some of the other players that might be at the table I ask that I'm idlest given a chance} also I'm very new to 3.5 and would like to step in with a game of like minded individuals.   
Monday character idea. Teaser Backstory:  Her name is Senza Nome and she's a woman of few words. A human by birth, she's planar-bent on becoming anything but her race. Prying the true story out of her is difficult as her stories are often as jumbled as they are contradictory. Those that can glean the truth from the madness catch on to the thread of truth that Senza Nome is actually from an ancient dialect that means Nameless. She was sold at an early age to pay family debt to the renowned Drow Necromancer Guardiano Dello and in his fascination with his work only ever referred to her in the tongue of his spells. It was a grueling childhood filled with horrors unimaginable by most but you know what they say, you only know your childhood is weird when you share that story that turns the room silent. Her life was a constant whirlwind of monsters, death, rebirth, and true loss. It's a unknown if Senza's fascination with creatures developed out of necessity or curiosity but she found herself being spared death and reincarnation at the hand of Guardiano by becoming a walking archive of knowledge on creatures...... That's about the end of where the truth is clear though. The remainder of her stories consist of Guardiano being a revered mentor, the next sentence complete distain for all necromancy. The world hasn't heard of his influence in some years. The only solid point of proof that Senza Nome is even tied to him is a journal written by his hand of pact magic that she studies each morning while drawing a ritual circle to soul bind a vestige... Binder Class Basic Info:  Binders are a spinoff of clerics and have similar core progression. They contact entities called vestiges that  are called forth from nowhere and exist outside the rules of reality.  Senza believes, these are creatures that had been reanimated and lived with her. In her twisted sense of reality they were her family and being able to bind them to her is a way to keep her family together. Binders make a pact that last with vestiges for 24hrs. Some vestiges have specific requirements to be bound, and depending on how successful the binder is may have influences on the binders physical existence, mental state, or personality. As levels progress binders can make multiple pacts simultaneously and have more control over the influence that vestiges can have over them.  Character Interactions:  What is obvious to any party that Senza joins is that she's eager to please. To those that aren't used to being hawkishly observed her intensity can be quite unnerving. Those that can see past her unbridled personality realize that it's out of a deep desire to protect and support those that she travels with. Though her moral compass may be a bit skewed from her upbringing loyalty is a cornerstone of her personality .... or maybe that's just the Stockholm. Senza can be quite the wildcard with her pact magic and depending on the pact she's made can present quite differently day to day.  Character TLDR: A human woman resorts to Pact Magic to deny her human heritage and live among creatures. Binder character class from the 3.5 book Tome of Magic. I'm happy to share any resources needed from the book. About me/goals:  I played a lot of 3.5 a decade ago and have always wanted to play a pact binder but never got the opportunity. This campaign setting for it is exceptionally interesting with the possibility of a character that would embrace the pact influences and changes to their person. Binders are often ostracized from most communities and a monster campaign would be a unique opportunity to find comradery.  I really hope to find a group that will enjoy the extreme diversity that a character like Senza would bring to the table, and a DM that would work with embracing her goals of becoming more monster than human. I'd love to explore the concept of expanding into new pacts that aren't a part of the book or having Senza permanently develop a couple traits of the creatures that she binds that aren't present in the pacts. 
I do want to clarify that while I have played 3.5 it has been many years and I've never played anything with spellcasting. I also know nothing about world anvil but am a very quick study when it comes to systems. Good luck to everyone that submitted a character Idea! I enjoyed reading through the thread. Discord: SimplySereena#5962 P.S. I'm open to anyone else that applied for this campaign to add me on discord as well. It's not often you come across 3.5ers. :D