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Looking for a player

We're looking for a player to join our 4th level Role Play heavy D&D group. Please note, that if you're just looking to roll some dice and make big numbers, there's nothing wrong with that but it's not the most important thing in our group. Far more important is your ability to role play and communicate. We use discord alot to do text based activities between sessions. These activities are very role play heavy and require a  good amount of time and attention. In short if you're into role playing memorable characters, having meaningful experiences with other players and characters and  assisting in telling a grand narrative with heroes, villains and everything in between, we're the group for you. If you just want to roll dice, do damage and "Win D&D" you should probably look somewhere else.
Hey, I’m definitely interested in this!!! I’m desperately looking for a group to play with and this has piqued my interest. I really desire a roleplay centric experience with combat as a background thing. 
Added you !
im interested ive always like roleplay heavy groups and would love to be in one if you're still looking
We are not but we’ll keep you in mind 
Shane M. said: im interested ive always like roleplay heavy groups and would love to be in one if you're still looking Also did you just send me a discord friend request?