I believe it would be a great addition to the Roll20 VTT if it could handle Invisible tokens . This is mostly for the application of a character/npc/monster turning invisible. This would make a invisible character/monster unseen by all creatures/characters that cannot see invisible. Some of this may be range dependent as the source of the ability to see invisible (i.e. spell) may have a range attribute. Now any token that is invisible can, of course, be seen by the GM but not by player tokens that cannot see invisible. The Invisible entity can see normally. Being a software developer my self I have thought of how this could be implemented. I have seen two ways to make this work although one of them does not satisfy all of the desired abilities. I'm certain that there are engineers that could come up with something better but I am just tossing out the concept so the Roll20 team can evaluate it and possibly take it further. Option One : Creation of an Invisibility Layer. This is a simple implementation that does not satisfy all of the desired abilities. It is however much better than what is available now. The details and shortcomings of this Option are listed below. Attributes are : Much like the GM layer, everything on the Invisibility Layer is visible to the GM while viewing the Token Layer. Tokens and Objects on the Invisibility Layer can see into the Token Layer as if they were on the Token Layer. Tokens and Objects on the Invisibility Layer cannot see anything on the Invisibility Layer. Shortfalls: It does not account for Characters, with the ability to see invisible, seeing these invisible things. It does not take invisibility detection with a ranged attribute into account. Option 2: Invisibility Implementation as a Token Attribute This is a more complex implementation that thoroughly and dynamically implements the concept of Invisibility. Attributes are : Tokens have an Invisible attribute. (T/F) Tokens have a See Invisible attribute. (T/F) Tokens have a dependent See Invisible Range attribute that is only enterable if See Invisible is True. If the See Invisible Range is set to U(nlimited) then the token's range is unlimited although still constrained by their maximum visual range. If a Token's Invisible attribute is set to True then its hue is changed to white to give indication to the GM and owner. If a Token's Invisible attribute is set to False then its hue is changed from white to normal to give indication to the GM and owner. The GM sees all Tokens even if they are invisible. Characters/NPCs/Monsters with the See Invisible attribute set to True can see all invisible tokens provided they are within their normal visual range and within their See Invisible Range . It would be a bonus to the GM if the <CTRL> L Hot Key allowing the GM to see from the point of view of the selected token also took all of this into account. The default for all tokens placed on the VTT would be: See Invisible = F, Invisible = F, See Invisible Range = U.
This is just my thought. What the community think?