Hello to our wonderful Roll20 Development Team! And thanks for all your hard work!
So, my players make heavy use of the pop-out characters feature for character sheets. Unfortunately, this means that their sheet is often RIGHT above the screen when any input pops-up appear from the roll they made using that sheet (e.g., requests for player input as part of a roll). Because of this, they often don't see the input query and think something went wrong with the roll.
Here's a screen-shot highlighting the problem a little, though in reality the little input window is often completely obscured.
Is there any way you could have the input query appear in the pop-out character window (if they are using this feature) instead of above the main game area where their pop-out character blocks it? Or, failing that, maybe a notification telling them there is in input inquiry waiting on their input from the roll they just made?
If you could, that would save me some headaches.
Thanks for your time!